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  • Kumar Atul Jaiswal

    Ethical Hacker

    Hacking is a Speed of Innovation And Technology with Romance.

  • Kumar Atul Jaiswal

    CEO Of Hacking Truth

    Loopholes are every major Security,Just need to Understand it well.

  • Kumar Atul Jaiswal

    Web Developer

    Techonology is the best way to Change Everything, like Mindset Goal.


We pride ourselves with strong, flexible and top notch skills.


Development 90%
Design 80%
Marketing 70%


Development 90%
Design 80%
Marketing 70%


Development 90%
Design 80%
Marketing 70%


We help our clients integrate, analyze, and use their data to improve their business.










Phasellus iaculis dolor nec urna nullam. Vivamus mattis blandit porttitor nullam.


We pride ourselves on bringing a fresh perspective and effective marketing to each project.

Showing posts with label PHP 7 Tutorial HyperText Preprocessor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PHP 7 Tutorial HyperText Preprocessor. Show all posts
  • str-replace() - Replace Text Within a String

    In this blog, we will teach you about PHP ucwords() function. Basically we have also teach about basics of PHP 7 . so, you will go to our previous Blog for learn about PHP and for your kind information we also have a YouTube channel, which we continuously uploaded videos of HTML, CSS, PHP and Tech Videos. so please subscribe to our YouTube channel.

    YouTube Channel :-  Kumar Atul Jaiswal

    str_replace() - Replace Text Within a String

    The str_replace() is a built-in function in PHP and is used to replace all the occurrences of the search string or array of search strings by replacement string or array of replacement strings in the given string or array respectively. str-replace() - Replace Text Within a String


    The PHP str_replace() function replaces some characters with some other characters in a string.


    str_replace(find, replace, string, count)

    In the table below, each parameter of the function is described separately for you to get a better idea:

            Parameter  Description

    • find          Necessary. Defines the value that has to be found.

    • replace Necessary. Defines the replacement value.

    • string Necessary. Specifies a string where the search will take place.

    • count Not necessary. Sets a variable that counts the changes made.



     <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title> PHP  str_replace () Function </title>
    <h1> </h1>
    echo str_replace("world", "Kumar Atul jaiswal", "Hello world!");
    echo "<br>";
    echo str_replace("HackerBoY","paypal","Hello HackerBoY!"); 


    Hello Kumar Atul jaiswal!

    Hello paypal!

    NOTE :- Video on This Topic :- Soon

    Have a Nice Stay Here : - )

  • strpos() - strrpos() Search For a Text Within a String in php

    strpos() - strrpos- Search For a Text Within a String
    strpos() - strrpos- Search For a Text Within a String

    In this blog, we will teach you about PHP ucwords() function. Basically we have also teach about basics of PHP 7 . so, you will go to our previous Blog for learn about PHP and for your kind information we also have a YouTube channel, which we continuously uploaded videos of HTML, CSS, PHP and Tech Videos. so please subscribe to our YouTube channel.

    YouTube Channel :-  Kumar Atul Jaiswal

    The strpos()  |  strrpos - Search For a Text Within a String in PHP

    This function helps us to find the position of the first occurrence of a string in another string. This returns an integer value of the position of the first occurrence of the string. This function is case-sensitive, which means that it treats upper-case and lower-case characters differently. strpos() - strrpos- Search For a Text Within a String


    The PHP strpos() function searches for a specific text within a string. If a match is found, the function returns the character position of the first match. If no match is found, it will return FALSE.


    strpos (string, find, start)

    strrpos (string, find, start)

    Note :-  The first character position in a string is 0 (not 1).


    <!DOCTYPE html>

    <title> PHP  strpos () Function </title>


    <h1> </h1>


    echo strpos ("Hello world", "world");

    echo "<br>";

    echo strpos ("Kumar Atul Jaiswal", "Jaiswal");

    echo "<br>";

    $mystring =   strpos ("I love Hacking Truth, I love Hacking Truth too",  "love");

    echo  $mystring );

    echo "<br>";

    $yourstring =   strrpos ("I love Hacking Truth, I love Hacking Truth too",  "love");

    echo  $yourstring );





    Note: The strpos() function is case-sensitive.

    Note: This function is binary-safe.

    strpos() -The strpos() function finds the position of the first occurrence of a string inside another string. (case-sensitive)

    strrpos() - Finds the position of the last occurrence of a string inside another string (case-insensitive)

    NOTE :- Video on This Topic :- Soon

    Have a Nice Stay Here : - )

  • PHP str_word_count() Function

    In this blog, we will teach you about PHP ucwords() function. Basically we have also teach about basics of PHP 7 . so, you will go to our previous Blog for learn about PHP and for your kind information we also have a YouTube channel, which we continuously uploaded videos of HTML, CSS, PHP and Tech Videos. so please subscribe to our YouTube channel.

    YouTube Channel :-  Kumar Atul Jaiswal

    PHP  str_word_count () Function

    The str_word_count() function is a built-in function in PHP and is used to return information about words used in a string like total number word in the string, positions of the words in the string etc.  PHP str_word_count() Function


    The PHP str_word_count() function counts the number of words in a string.


    str_word_count ( $string )

    Below programs explain the working of str_word_count() function:

    Calculating the number of words in a string: To Display only the number of words in a string,the str_word_count() function should be executed in the following way:


    <!DOCTYPE html>

    <title> PHP  str_word_count Function </title>


    <h1> </h1>


    $yourstring =  "Twinkle twinkl4e little star"; 

    echo str_word_count $yourstring );

    echo "<br>";

    $mystring =  "The PHP str_word_count() function counts the number of words in a string.";

    echo str_word_count $mystring );

    echo "<br>";




    NOTE :- Video on This Topic :- Soon

    Have a Nice Stay Here : - )

  • PHP ucwords function

    In this blog, we will teach you about PHP ucwords() function. Basically we have also teach about basics of PHP 7 . so, you will go to our previous Blog for learn about PHP and for your kind information we also have a YouTube channel, which we continuously uploaded videos of HTML, CSS, PHP and Tech Videos. so please subscribe to our YouTube channel.

    YouTube Channel :-  Kumar Atul Jaiswal

    PHP Ucwords() Function

    The PHP ucwords() function returns string converting first character of each word into uppercase.


    string ucwords ( string $str)


    <!DOCTYPE html>

    <title> PHP  Ucwords Function </title>


    <h1> </h1>


    $str =  "my name is kumar atul jaiswal";

    echo ucwords $str );

    echo "<br>";

    $str2 =  "The PHP ucwords() function returns string converting first character of each word into uppercase.";

    echo ucwords $str2 );

    echo "<br>";




    My Name Is Kumar Atul Jaiswal

    The PHP Ucwords() Function Returns String Converting First Character Of Each Word Into Uppercase.

    NOTE :- Video on This Topic :- Soon

    Have a Nice Stay Here : - )

  • PHP ucfirst function uppercase letter

    In this blog, we will teach you about PHP ucfirst() function. Basically we have also teach about basics of PHP 7 . so, you will go to our previous Blog for learn about PHP and for your kind information we also have a YouTube channel, which we continuously uploaded videos of HTML, CSS, PHP and Tech Videos. so please subscribe to our YouTube channel.

    YouTube Channel :-  Kumar Atul Jaiswal

    PHP Ucfirst() Function 

    The PHP ucfirst() function returns string converting first character into Uppercase letter. It's doesn't change the case the other characters.


    string ucfirst ( string $str )


    <!DOCTYPE html>

    <title> PHP String  Length </title>


    <h1> </h1>


    $str =  "my self  kumar Atul Jaiswal";

    echo ucfirst ( $str );




    My self kumar Atul Jaiswal

    NOTE :- Video on This Topic :- Soon

    Have a Nice Stay Here : - )

  • PHP strtoupper function string in uppercase letter

    In this blog, we will teach you about PHP strtoupper() function. Basically we have also teach about basics of PHP 7 . so, you will go to our previous Blog for learn about PHP and for your kind information we also have a YouTube channel, which we continuously uploaded videos of HTML, CSS, PHP and Tech Videos. so please subscribe to our YouTube channel.

    YouTube Channel :-  Kumar Atul Jaiswal

    The Strtoupper() function returns string in Uppercase Letter.



    <!DOCTYPE html>

    <title> PHP  String  uppercase  function</title>


    <h1> </h1>


    $str =  "Kumar Atul Jaiswal";

    echo strtoupper ( $str );




    NOTE :- Video on This Topic :- Soon

    Have a Nice Stay Here : - )

  • php about programming language

    What is PHP, what can PHP do, who uses PHP, how to use PHP programming language and what we can do by Learn PHP  ?

      what is PHP ?

    First of all, you know what it is PHP. You must have studied ABCD in childhood, which we know by the name of Alphabet, Alphabet means there are 26 liters, now you may have missed it and secondly you guys are so lazy You have not even read the entire alphabet above. php code
    This PHP also comes in these 26 letters, so you know what this PHP is. PHP is a programming language. We can speak this server side scripting language. PHP has full form PHP : preprocessor hypertext. php programming tutorial

    What PHP can do

    What PHP can do then we will know that PHP is a server-side scripting language, what it can do basically, by using HP, you can create a website, you can create a database, you can find loopholes in someone's side and many more You can do it through PHP. php tutorial pdf

    We can use PHP ?

    We can use PHP. Humans are not allowed to use PHD because some animals are also smart but they are not like minded. So that animals can use PHP, you conclude that you can use PHP. php programming tutorial php w3schools

    How to use PHP for programming language  ?

    PHP is not only programming language but at the same time we can also say server side programming language from it, how can we use PHP, you can use PHP to create a website but for this You people have to read PHP, you can take any offline titular to read PHP, but I tell you You will be advised that you can read PHP on Google. On Google, you will find a lot of websites from where you can read with PHP Theory and Programming Exams and if you want to read from PHP Video Theory, then you can also do it for Live Exams Also you can read any PHP video

    What can we do by learning php ?

    php programming examples for beginners There is not much you can do by studying PHP. I mean to say that you can do a lot by studying PhD, but it is very important to implement PHP programming language in real life only then you can do something big in PHP. There are all programming languages that you can do a lot by reading, but for this you have to implement a programming language in real life.Can create a website from PHP, can work on databases, can write scripts, can find website loopholes, and there are many things that you can read PHP.

     I am giving below link to some website and video tutorial, with the help of which you can read about PHP.

     PHP Syntax 



    PHP Print Hello World 


    echo "Hello world";



  • PHP lcfirst function lower case letter

    In this blog, we will teach you about PHP lcfirst() function. Basically we have also teach about basics of PHP 7 . so, you will go to our previous Blog for learn about PHP and for your kind information we also have a YouTube channel, which we continuously uploaded videos of HTML, CSS, PHP and Tech Videos. so please subscribe to our YouTube channel.

    YouTube Channel :-  Kumar Atul Jaiswal

    PHP lcfirst() Function

    The PHP lcfirst() function returns string converting first character into Lower case letter. it's doesn't change the case of other characters.


    String lcfirst ( string $str )


    <!DOCTYPE html>

    <title> PHP lcfirst function</title>


    <h1> </h1>


    $str =  "MY Self Kumar Atul Jaiswal";

    echo lcfirst $str );

    echo "<br>";

    $str2 =  "LOWER Case Letter";

    echo lcfirst $str2 );




    mY Self Kumar Atul Jaiswal

    lOWER Case Letter

    NOTE :- Video on This Topic :- Soon

    Have a Nice Stay Here : - )


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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation.