Currently we are working on web 2 and we are excited about web 3
and then jack dorsey says hey we are coming up with
web 5 that is correct but then why do we need
web 3 and web 5 when we have web 2.
web5 is here with web2+web3
Now think about this what
is happening in the web 2 world now basically it provides you
multiple services right so we have so many websites so many applications and
they provide you some awesome services the only problem is for every different
service you have to provide your information you share your personal
information you share your post you share your photos you share your location
and all this data is there with that particular website i mean that that is
okay right not exactly you're not sure how they are using that data maybe
they're using your data for marketing purpose they're using your data to sell
to someone or they are using your data to influence you so that's one thing
and again you might be thinking when you upload a photo on a website.
When you upload a post somewhere basically you
own that data not exactly this company owns your data not just your post and
photos your personal data as well so that's one issue the second issue is
let's say if you are using a particular service maybe apple music so what you
do is if you want to use that service you share information you share your
email id phone number and all the details and then you are enjoying that
particular service but what if you want to move to some other service again!!
You have to go to that particular website on an app you
have to share your information then only you can access that particular
service so basically if you want to switch you again have to share the
information and this company they actually lock your data with them you can't
even delete it and of course with the help of GDPR it may be
possible but not in all the countries right so this company actually hold your
information so can we do it this way can we just reverse it can we say hey let
me hold my information. web2 tech
I have a box here in this
box i will have my information and if you want to give that particular service
you have to request for the service you have to request for the data i will
give you data and then i'll be there of course when you don't have to share
everything you just have to share that you have an identity and maybe a
particular key and they can verify this is you what you're claiming to be
right so that's the box.
I want that's the wallet that's the right
word in the terms of web three we call it as a wallet which has your identity
so that's why we were going for web3 right and that's where jack dorsey
the founder of twitter says hey we have a better solution let's go for web 5
which is actually a combination of web 2 all the services and web 3 technology
and that's your web 5 and this is actually built on bitcoin blockchain so
basically web5 provides you with decentralized identity and the storage for
your application to learn more let's go to that particular website so this is
basically the company by jack dorsey a
blockchain project company and it was formerly called as square
and now we have a different name they're coming up with web five it's an extra
decentralized web platform and you can see this is actually a combination of web 2
and web3. world wide web
If you want to learn more
about it there's a amazing pdf available you can just explore that pdf in fact
i will show you some introduction part as well now what they are providing you
is first they are providing you with the wallets they are providing you with a
decentralized web application uh in the web3 world we call them as
dapps and they are also giving you decentralized web nodes the blockchain
nodes actually if you explore this pdf which is an amazing pdf to go
through so this is the same thing i've explained right so basically to access
any a web you have to share information with each service but how about this
can we just have one particular identity and we can share with multiple
service and you don't even have to share information basically you will own
your data and that's what i actually was talking about from a long time on
this channel right basically we need privacy where you need to
have a power where you need to have the hold on your own data.
image credit prototypr |
So, we have talked about this this is actually web 2 and web3 which is creating web 5 and this is interesting so
decentralized web application enables developers to write dapps or
decentralized web application using the identifiers basically you'll be having
your own identities and this identity is actually verifiable on the on the
chain or on the network and important thing is they don't have a token here
and don't think about the pricing of token or you know the inflation of tokens
so that's a different thing.
We don't have any tokens here
and it is decentralized web notes and they are combining everything to give
you web five in fact this is just an introduction video of
web5 i have not gone through the entire documentation how it
will work how what kind of application you can build but this looks a
promising start but again my bet is on web3 web5 is just an implementation
just an idea so it's not a replacement for web3 in fact on twitter i saw this
amazing tweet this is web one is scientists where in the driver's seat
web 2 is techno entrepreneurs why the driver said web 3 is vcs
because the entire web 3 is funded by vcs again it's a promising
start but what about web five and jack dorsey said it is for the
people uh people will be driving it and that looks promising so in future for
sure we are moving from web 2 to web 3 it doesn't matter or i mean web 2 to
web 3 or f5 so it doesn't matter whatever people are claiming about it's a
scam or something you know maybe lack of knowledge but blockchain is there
blockchain will be coming and then it will disrupt the entire ecosystem most
of the companies are using private blockchains because they don't want to
share the data with the world they want to use it for their own use cases
maybe for supply chain maybe for hospital
management or all those use cases and then for the consumer
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