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  • Kumar Atul Jaiswal

    Ethical Hacker

    Hacking is a Speed of Innovation And Technology with Romance.

  • Kumar Atul Jaiswal

    CEO Of Hacking Truth

    Loopholes are every major Security,Just need to Understand it well.

  • Kumar Atul Jaiswal

    Web Developer

    Techonology is the best way to Change Everything, like Mindset Goal.


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Showing posts with label css cascading style sheet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label css cascading style sheet. Show all posts
  • How to implement css when onClick event occur in Reactjs


    How to implement css when onClick event occur in Reactjs



    How to implement css when onClick event occur in Reactjs


    In ReactJS, you can implement CSS changes on an onClick event by using state to manage the CSS styles and then updating that state when the event occurs. Here's a step-by-step guide:

    1.Create a React component:


    import React, { useState } from "react";
    import "./CSSViaOnClick.css";
    function CSSviaOnClick() {
      const [isClicked, setIsClicked] = useState(false);
      const handleClick = () => {
        // Update the state when the button is clicked www.hackingtruth.in 
      // Define CSS classes based on the state www.kumaratuljaiswal.in
      const buttonClass = isClicked ? "clicked" : "unclicked";
      return (
          <div className="main-div">
            <button onClick={handleClick} className={buttonClass}>
              Click me
    export default CSSviaOnClick;



    How to implement css when onClick event occur in Reactjs


    1. First of all we are written and import the two pkg first one is react and another one is css file.

    2. In this example, we create a functional component App that uses the useState hook to manage the isClicked state. Initially, it's set to false.

    3. We define a handleClick function that will be called when the button is clicked. Inside this function, we update the isClicked state using setIsClicked, toggling it between true and false with each click.

    4. Based on the isClicked state, we determine the CSS class to apply to the button. In this case, we have two CSS classes: 'clicked' and 'unclicked', which you can define in your CSS or use CSS-in-JS libraries like styled-components.

    5. Finally, we render the button with the onClick event handler and the appropriate CSS class.



    Implement CSS



    .main-div {
      left: 50%;
      top: 50%;
      text-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
      position: absolute;
      border: 1px solid black;
      padding: 2px 6px 2px 6px;
      border-radius: 20%;
      font-weight: bold;
    .clicked {
      color: red;
      letter-spacing: 2px;
    .unclicked {
      color: blue;



    Wheneven user click on button then event occur and css works.



    How to implement css when onClick event occur in Reactjs






    All tutorials are for informational and educational purposes only and have been made using our own routers, servers, websites and other vulnerable free resources. we do not contain any illegal activity. We believe that ethical hacking, information security and cyber security should be familiar subjects to anyone using digital information and computers. Hacking Truth is against misuse of the information and we strongly suggest against it. Please regard the word hacking as ethical hacking or penetration testing every time this word is used. We do not promote, encourage, support or excite any illegal activity or hacking.





  • CSS border

    Kumar Atul Jaiswal
    CSS Border


     I have a red border on Bottom side.


                                I have a red border on Top side.

    I have borders on all sides.

    |  I have a blue left border.


    <!DOCTYPE html>

    <title> Border Style </title>


    p.dotted { border-style: dotted; }
    p.dashed { border-style: dashed; }
    p.solid { border-style: solid; }
    p.double { border-style: double; }
    p.groove { border-style: groove; }
    p.ridge { border-style: ridge; }
    p.inset { border-style: inset; }
    p.outset { border-style: outset; }
    p.none { border-style: none; }
    p.hidden { border-style: hidden; }
    p.mix { border-style: dotted dashed solid double; }



    <h2>The border-style Property</h2>
    <p>This property specifies what kind of border to display</p>

    <p class="dotted">A dotted border.</p>
    <p class="dashed">A dashed border.</p>
    <p class="solid">A solid border.</p>
    <p class="double">A double border.</p>
    <p class="groove">A groove border.</p>
    <p class="ridge">A ridge border.</p>
    <p class="inset">An inset border.</p>
    <p class="outset">An outset border.</p>
    <p class="none">No border.</p>
    <p class="hidden">A hidden border.</p>
    <p class="mix">A mixed border.</p>



    Kumar Atul Jaiswal


    The border width property specifies the width of the four borders.
    The width can be set as a specific size ( in px, pt, em, cm etc ) or by using on of the three pre-defined values : thin, medium or thick. 
    The border-width  property can have from one to four values ( for the top border, right border, bottom border and the left border. ). 

    Kumar Atul Jaiswal


    <!DOCTYPE html>

    p.one {
      border-style: solid;
      border-width: 5px;

    p.two {
      border-style: solid;
      border-width: medium;

    p.three {
      border-style: dotted;
      border-width: 2px;

    p.four {
      border-style: dotted;
      border-width: thick;

    p.five {
      border-style: double;
      border-width: 15px;

    p.six {
      border-style: double;
      border-width: thick;

    p.seven {
      border-style: solid;
      border-width: 2px 10px 4px 20px;




    <h2>The border-style Property</h2>
    <p>his property specifies the width of the four borders:</p>

    <p class="one">some text.</p>
    <p class="two">some text.</p>
    <p class="three">some text.</p>
    <p class="four">some text.</p>
    <p class="five">some text.</p>
    <p class="six">some text.</p>
    <p class="seven">some text.</p>



    Border Color 

    The border color property is used to set  the color of the four borders colors.
    • The Boder can be set by :-

    • Name  :-  Specifies the color name ,like  "Red".
    • Hex :-     Specifies the hex value,like #f00;
    • RGB :-  Specifes the RGB value, like "rgb(255, 0, 0)"
    • Transparent

    The border-color property can have from one to four values (for the top border, right border, bottom border, and the left border).

    If border-color is not set, it inherits the color of the element.

    <!DOCTYPE html>

    p.one {
      border-style: solid;
      border-color: red;

    p.two {
      border-style: solid;
      border-color: green;

    p.three {
      border-style: solid;
      border-color; red green blue yellow;



    <h2>The border-style Property</h2>
    <p>This property specifies the color of the four borders:</p>

    <p class="one">Kumar Atul Jaiswal. A solid red border</p>
    <p class="two">Kumar Atul JaiswalA solid red border</p>
    <p class="three">Kumar Atul Jaiswal. A solid multicolor border</p>

    <p><b>Note:</b> The "border-color" property does not work if it is used alone. Use the "border-style" property to set the borders first</p>



    Border Short-Hand Property

    The border property is a shorthand property for the following individual border properties:

    • border-width
    • border-style (required)
    • border-color

    Left Border

    <!DOCTYPE html>

    p.one {
      border-left:  6px solid red;
      background-color : lightgrey;



    <h2>The border left Property</h2>
    <p>his property is a shorthand property for border-left-width, border-left-style, and border-left-color.: Kumar Atul Jaiswal.</p>



    Bottom Border

    <!DOCTYPE html>

    p.one {
      border-bottom:  6px solid red;
      background-color : lightgrey;



    <h2>The border bottom Property</h2>
    <p>his property is a shorthand property for border-bottom-width, border-bottom-style, and border-bottom-color.: Kumar Atul Jaiswal.</p>



    Rounded Border

    The border-radius property is used to add rounded borders to an element:

    <!DOCTYPE html>

    p.normal1 {
      border: 2px solid  red;

    p.round1 {
      border: 2px solid  red;
      border-radius : 5px;

    p.round2 {
       border: 2px solid  red;
      border-radius : 8px;

    p.round3 {
      border: 2px solid  red;
      border-radius : 12px;



    <h2>The border-radius Property</h2>
    <p>This property is used to add rounded borders to an element:</p>

    <p class="normal1">Kumar Atul Jaiswal. Normal Border</p>
    <p class="round1">Kumar Atul Jaiswal. Round Border</p>
    <p class="round2">Kumar Atul Jaiswal. Rounder border</p>
    <p class="round3">Kumar Atul Jaiswal. Roundest border</p>

    <p><b>Note:</b>  The "border-radius" property is not supported in IE8 and earlier versions</p>



    Video Tutorial :- SooN

    Have a Nice Stay Here  : - )

  • CSS background-Image

    Kumar Atul Jaiswal

    Css Background-Image

    The background-image property specifies an image to use as the background of an element.
    By default, the image is repeated so it covers the entire element.

    The background image for a page can be set like this :


    <!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>Css Background-Image</title>

    body  {

    background-image : url (" http://bit.ly/2I0mKOM");




    <h1>This is heading.</h1>
    <p>This page has an image as the background.</p>



    kumar Atul Jaiswal

    Background-Image - Repeat Horizontally or Vertically

    By Default - The background-Image Property repeats an image both horizontally or vertically.
    some images should be repeated and horizontally or vertically, or they will look strange


    !DOCTYPE html>

    <title>Background-Image - Repeat Horizontally or Vertically</title>

    body  {

    background-image : url (" http://bit.ly/2U0QFIb");




    h1>Hello World!</h1>
    <p>Strange background image...</p>



    Kumar Atul Jaiswal

    • If the image above is repeated only horizontally (background-repeat: repeat-x;), the background will look better:


    !DOCTYPE html>

    body  {

    background-image : url (" http://bit.ly/2U0QFIb");
    background-repeat : repeat-x;



    <h1>Hello World!</h1>
    <p>Here, a background image is repeated only horizontally!</p>



    Kumar Atul Jaiswal

    Background-Image : Set Position and no-repeat

    showing the background-image only once is also specified by the background-repeat property.


    !DOCTYPE html>

    <title>Background-Image : Set Position and no-repeat</title>

    body  {

    background-image : url ("http://bit.ly/2I0mKOM");
    background-repeat : no-repeat;
    background-size : cover;



    <h1>Hello World!</h1>
    <p>kumarAtuljaiswal background image example.</p>
    <p>The background image is only showing once, but it is disturbing the reader!</p>



    kumar Atul jaiswal

    • In the example above, the background image is shown in the same place as the text. 
    • We want to change the position of the image, so that it does not disturb the text too much.
    • The position of the image is specified by the background-position property:


    !DOCTYPE html>

    body  {

    background-image : url ("http://bit.ly/2I957wz");
    background-repeat : no-repeat;
    background-position : right top;
    margin-right : 200px;





    h1>Hello World!</h1>
    <p>kumarAtuljaiswal background no-repeat, set position example.</p>
    <p>Now the background image is only shown once, and positioned away from the text.</p>
    <p>In this example we have also added a margin on the right side, so the background image will never disturb the text.</p>



    kumar Atul jaiswal

    Background-Image - Fixed position


    !DOCTYPE html>

    <title>Background-Image - Fixed position</title>

    body  {

    background-image : url ("http://bit.ly/2VqBSrP");
    background-repeat : no-repeat;
    background-position : right top;
    background-attachment : fixed;
    margin-right : 200px;




    h1>Hello World!</h1>
    <p>kumarAtuljaiswal background no-repeat, set position example.</p>
    <p>Now the background image is only shown once, and positioned away from the text.</p>
    <p>In this example we have also added a margin on the right side, so the background image will never disturb the text.</p>



    Kumar Atul Jaiswal

    Have a Nice Stay Here     :- )

  • CSS Background color

    The CSS background properties are used to define the backgrounds affects for element.

    • Background-Color 

    The background-color property specifies the background color of an element.
    The background-color property of a page set like this :-  


    <!DOCTYPE html>

    <title> CSS Background bg-color </title>




       background-color: lightblue;



    <h1>Hello This is kumar Atul jaiswal.</h1>
    <p>This is a paragraph.</p>



    With CSS, a color is most often specified by:
    a valid color name - like "red"
    a HEX value - like "#ff0000"
    an RGB value - like "rgb(255,0,0)"
    Look at CSS Color Values for a complete list of possible color values.

    In the example below, the <h1>, <p>, and <div> elements have different background colors:


    <!DOCTYPE html>

    <title> CSS Background bg-color </title>


    h1 {
      background-color: green;

    div {
      background-color: lightblue;

    p {
      background-color: yellow;



    <h1>CSS background-color example!</h1>

    This is a text inside a div element.

    <p>This paragraph has its own background color.</p>

    We are still in the div element.



    Have a Nice Stay Here   :- )

  • css colors

    CSS Colors

    Colors are specified using predefined color names, or RGB, HEX, HSL, RGBA, HSLA values.

    CSS Colors Names

    HTML support 140 colors names :- 

    CSS 1–2.0, HTML 3.2–4, and VGA color names
    CGA number (name); alias
    White#FFFFFF100%100%100%0%100%0%100%15 (white)
    Silver#C0C0C075%75%75%0%75%0%75%07 (light gray)
    Gray#80808050%50%50%0%50%0%50%08 (dark gray)
    Black#0000000%0%0%0%0%0%0%00 (black)
    Red#FF0000100%0%0%100%50%100%100%12 (high red)
    Maroon#80000050%0%0%100%25%100%50%04 (low red)
    Yellow#FFFF00100%100%0%60°100%50%100%100%14 (yellow)
    Olive#80800050%50%0%60°100%25%100%50%06 (brown)
    Lime#00FF000%100%0%120°100%50%100%100%10 (high green); green
    Green#0080000%50%0%120°100%25%100%50%02 (low green)
    Aqua#00FFFF0%100%100%180°100%50%100%100%11 (high cyan); cyan
    Teal#0080800%50%50%180°100%25%100%50%03 (low cyan)
    Blue#0000FF0%0%100%240°100%50%100%100%09 (high blue)
    Navy#0000800%0%50%240°100%25%100%50%01 (low blue)
    Fuchsia#FF00FF100%0%100%300°100%50%100%100%13 (high magenta); magenta
    Purple#80008050%0%50%300°100%25%100%50%05 (low magenta)

    You can set the background-color for HTML elements.


    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Css Colors </title>



    <h1 style="background-color: red">Web colors are colors used in displaying web pages on the World Wide Web, and the methods for describing and specifying those colors. Colors may be specified as an RGB triplet or in hexadecimal format (a hex triplet) or according to their common English names in some cases. A color tool or other graphics software is often used to generate color values. </h1>

    <p style="background-color:blue;"> In some uses, hexadecimal color codes are specified with notation using a leading number sign.A color is specified according to the intensity of its red, green and blue components, eachrepresented by eight bits. Thus, there are 24 bits used to specify a web color within the sRGB gamut, and 16,777,216 colors that may be so specified.   </p>



    Text color 

    You can set the color of text.

    You can set the color of text.


    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Css  Text color </title>



    <h1 style="colorgreen">Web colors are colors used in displaying web pages on the World Wide Web, and the methods for describing and specifying those colors. Colors may be specified as an RGB triplet or in hexadecimal format (a hex triplet) or according to their common English names in some cases. A color tool or other graphics software is often used to generate color values. </h1>

    <p style="color:blue;"> In some uses, hexadecimal color codes are specified with notation using a leading number sign.A color is specified according to the intensity of its red, green and blue components, eachrepresented by eight bits. Thus, there are 24 bits used to specify a web color within the sRGB gamut, and 16,777,216 colors that may be so specified.   </p>



    Web colors are colors used in displaying web pages on the World Wide Web, and the methods for describing and specifying those colors. Colors may be specified as an RGB triplet or in hexadecimal format (a hex triplet) or according to their common English names in some cases. A color tool or other graphics software is often used to generate color values.

    In some uses, hexadecimal color codes are specified with notation using a leading number sign.A color is specified according to the intensity of its red, green and blue components, eachrepresented by eight bits. Thus, there are 24 bits used to specify a web color within the sRGB gamut, and 16,777,216 colors that may be so specified.

    Border Color
    You can set the color of border.

    Hello world


    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Css  Text color </title>



    <h1 style="border: 1px solid  #f00;">Web colors are colors used in displaying web pages on the World Wide Web, and the methods for describing and specifying those colors.  </h1>

    <p style="border: 1px solid blue;"> In some uses, hexadecimal color codes are specified with notation using a leading number sign..  </p>



    Web colors are colors used in displaying web pages on the World Wide Web, and the methods for describing and specifying those colors. 

     In some uses, hexadecimal color codes are specified with notation using a leading number sign.. 

    Color Values 

    In HTML, colors can also be specified using RGB values, HEX values, HSL values, RGBA values, and HSLA values:

    • rgb(255, 99, 71)
    • #ff6347
    • hsl(9, 100%, 64%)


    <h1 style="background-color:rgb(255, 99, 71);">...</h1>

    <h1 style="background-color:#ff6347;">...</h1>

    <h1 style="background-color:hsl(9, 100%, 64%);">...</h1>

    You also must read this article : 

    Click Here

    RGB Value 

    In HTML, a color can be specified as an RGB value, using this formula:

    rgb(red, green, blue)

    Each parameter (red, green, and blue) defines the intensity of the color between 0 and 255.

    For example, rgb(255, 0, 0) is displayed as red, because red is set to its highest value (255) and the others are set to 0.

    To display the color black, all color parameters must be set to 0, like this: rgb(0, 0, 0).

    To display the color white, all color parameters must be set to 255, like this: rgb(255, 255, 255).

    • rgb(255, 99, 71)
    • rgb(255, 0, 0)
    • rgb(60, 179, 113)
    • rgb(255, 165, 0)
    • rgb(106, 90, 205)

    HEX value

    In HTML, a color can be specified using a hexadecimal value in the form:


    Where rr (red), gg (green) and bb (blue) are hexadecimal values between 00 and ff (same as decimal 0-255).

    For example, #ff0000 is displayed as red, because red is set to its highest value (ff)
    and the others are set to the lowest value (00).

    • #ff0000
    • #ffa500
    • #ee82ee
    • #6a5acd
    • #787878
    • #ffffff                   


    RGBA color values are an extension of RGB color values with an alpha channel - which specifies the 
    An RGBA color value is specified with:
    rgba(red, green, blue, alpha)
    The alpha parameter is a number between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (not transparent at all):

    • rgba(255, 99, 71, 0)
    • rgba(255, 99, 71, 0.8)
    • rgba(255, 99, 71, 0.6)
    • rgba(255, 99, 71, 1)


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