
  • Question from setTimeout in Javscript


    Question from setTimeout in Javscript


    Hello viewers, whats up!! Here i am back again with the new post of question about setTimeout in javascript. Javascript is a high level programming language used for known as web development. With this you can create dynamic and interactive content on websites.

    Syntax is similar to that of other programming languages like java and C. It is client side scripting language and when we talk about its Data types , it is support various data types, including numbers, strings booleans objects, arrays and functions.

    Here we have a problem about setTimeout in javascript. Question is that there so 6 line of code in javascript. So simply use arrow function and for output we use console.log and after that we have to used setTimeout function and tell that what is the output and which output print first. Look like this -





    (function() {
          setTimeout(() => console.log("b"), 1000);
          setTimeout(() => console.log("d"), 500);




    1) console.log("a"); - Outputs "a" to the console.

    2) setTimeout(() => console.log("b"), 1000); - Schedules the execution of the function () => console.log("b") after a delay of 1000 milliseconds (1 second).
    3) console.log("c"); - Outputs "c" to the console.

    4) setTimeout(() => console.log("d"), 500); - Schedules the execution of the function () => console.log("d") after a delay of 500 milliseconds (0.5 seconds).

    Now, let's consider the timing:

    #:/    "a" is logged immediately.
    #:/    "b" is scheduled to be logged after 1 second.
    #:/    "c" is logged immediately.
    #:/    "d" is scheduled to be logged after 0.5 seconds.

    However, JavaScript is single-threaded, and the event loop is used to manage the execution of asynchronous code. The scheduled functions (like "b" and "d") are placed in the event queue and executed when the call stack is empty.

    So, the output order will be:






    Question from setTimeout in Javscript




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