
  • Handle Asynchronous Data in Javascript


    handle asynchronous data in  javascript


    Asynchronous in Javascript


    Hello viewers, whats up!! Here i am back again with the new post of asynchronous in javascript. Javascript is a high level programming language used for known as web development. With this you can create dynamic and interactive content on websites.

    Syntax is similar to that of other programming languages like java and C. It is client side scripting language and when we talk about its Data types , it is support various data types, including numbers, strings booleans objects, arrays and functions.




    In JavaScript, asynchronous programming is a way to handle operations that might take some time to complete, such as reading from a file, making a network request, or waiting for a user input. Asynchronous programming helps prevent blocking the execution of code, allowing other tasks to continue while the asynchronous operation is being performed.


    Note - Asynchronous in Javascript = CLICK HERE


    How is it works?


    The asynchronous working process in JavaScript involves handling tasks that might take some time to complete without blocking the execution of the entire program. This is crucial for web development, where operations like fetching data from an API, reading files, or responding to user input may introduce delays.



    Let's code

    let a = 20;
    let b = 0;
    let waitingData = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 2000)
    waitingData.then((data) => {


    1) Variable Declaration

    let a = 20;
    let b = 0;

    Two variables, a and b, are declared and initialized with values 20 and 0, respectively.

    2) Promise Creation:

    let waitingData = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 2000)

    A new Promise named waitingData is created.

    The promise executor function is provided, which has two parameters: resolve and reject.

    Inside the executor function, a setTimeout is used to simulate an asynchronous operation. After 2000 milliseconds (2 seconds), the promise is resolved with the value 30.

    3) Promise Handling:

    waitingData.then((data) => {
        b = data;
        console.log(a + b);

    The then method is called on the waitingData promise, which registers a callback function to be executed when the promise is resolved.

    The callback function takes a parameter data, which is the resolved value of the promise (in this case, 30).

    Inside the callback, the variable b is assigned the value of data (which is 30).

    The sum of a and b (20 + 30) is then logged to the console, resulting in the output 50.

    Handle Asynchronous Data in Javascript

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