

Our development agency is committed to providing you the best service.


The awesome people behind our brand ... and their life motto.

  • Kumar Atul Jaiswal

    Ethical Hacker

    Hacking is a Speed of Innovation And Technology with Romance.

  • Kumar Atul Jaiswal

    CEO Of Hacking Truth

    Loopholes are every major Security,Just need to Understand it well.

  • Kumar Atul Jaiswal

    Web Developer

    Techonology is the best way to Change Everything, like Mindset Goal.


We pride ourselves with strong, flexible and top notch skills.


Development 90%
Design 80%
Marketing 70%


Development 90%
Design 80%
Marketing 70%


Development 90%
Design 80%
Marketing 70%


We help our clients integrate, analyze, and use their data to improve their business.










Phasellus iaculis dolor nec urna nullam. Vivamus mattis blandit porttitor nullam.


We pride ourselves on bringing a fresh perspective and effective marketing to each project.

Showing posts with label Web Developing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Web Developing. Show all posts
  • Update data from mongodb in nodejs


    Update data from mongodb in nodejs





    Post API insert data in MongoDB

    This blog and in upcoming blog we will see mongodb basic and how is it work with installation and after installation we should not face any problem while making Database, collection(table) and using the data in nodejs even whenever we will make API. Read data from mongodb in nodejs

    • # Make new file for update data
    • # import mongodb connection
    • # update single and multi records


    Now in this blog we will consider about mongoDB basic command which we can use to create Database, collection etc.


     What is MongoDB


    MongoDB is a popular open-source NoSQL (non-relational) database management system. NoSQL means no structure like it is look like an object while in SQL it is a structure query language like SELECT CustomerName, City FROM Customers; (The SELECT statement is used to select data from a database.) But NoSQL database is useless...NOT completely because of whenever we want add extra column in database then it is possible through NoSQL MongoDB.   


    MongoDB installation - CLICK HERE

    MongoDB Basic Command - CLICK HERE

    About MongoDB vs SQL - CLICK HERE

    CRUD in MongoDB - CLICK HERE



    Object Like - 



      "_id": {
        "$oid": "659ad46e0382148123c82841"
      "name": "moto G60",
      "brand": "motorola",
      "price": 16500,
      "category": "mobile"



    MongoDB is a type of database that helps store and manage large amounts of data in a flexible and scalable way. Unlike SQL, MongoDB doesn't require a fixed structure for the data, allowing you to store information in a more versatile format.

    • MongoDB is a NoSQL database.
    • The data stored in a collection
    • Collection don't have row and columns
    • Data is stored in the form of object.

    Make new file for update data


    if you remember, we wrote the code for database connection and data reading in the same file. if you write coding of insert, update, delete in same function and same file then it will be very complex. so that's why we will separate file of mongoDB connection file.

    otherwise we will create a new file called as update.js file. Okay!!




    const dbConnect = require('./mongodb/mongodb')
    const updateData = async () => {
        // console.log("updateData function called")
        let data = await dbConnect();
        let result = await data.updateOne(
            {name: 'moto G60' }, {
            $set: { price: 25000 }




    Before updating data



    Update data from mongodb in nodejs


    Here, our code is saying that first we simply connect mongodb and after that we will make function (updateData()) function and inside this code condition.


      {name: 'moto G60' }, {
      $set: { price: 25000 }

    first condition is saying that in which parameter through you want to update the data and after that $set thats mean what do you want to change. Like price's value.


     when we will run this code with nodemon update.js file.

    Update data from mongodb in nodejs

    Update ManyData


    If you want update many data at a time you can do this by updateMany. 



    const dbConnect = require('./mongodb/mongodb')
    const updateData = async () => {
        // console.log("updateData function called")
        let data = await dbConnect();
        let result = await data.update(
            {name: 'moto G60' }, {
            $set: { name: 'vivo 5g' , price: 25000 }





    All tutorials are for informational and educational purposes only and have been made using our own routers, servers, websites and other vulnerable free resources. we do not contain any illegal activity. We believe that ethical hacking, information security and cyber security should be familiar subjects to anyone using digital information and computers. Hacking Truth is against misuse of the information and we strongly suggest against it. Please regard the word hacking as ethical hacking or penetration testing every time this word is used. We do not promote, encourage, support or excite any illegal activity or hacking.


  • Delete data from mongodb in nodejs


    Delete data from mongodb in nodejs



    Post API insert data in MongoDB

    This blog and in upcoming blog we will see mongodb basic and how is it work with installation and after installation we should not face any problem while making Database, collection(table) and using the data in nodejs even whenever we will make API. Read data from mongodb in nodejs

    • # Read Data from MongoDB
    • # Make file for db connection
    • # Handle Promise 


    Now in this blog we will consider about mongoDB basic command which we can use to create Database, collection etc.


     What is MongoDB


    MongoDB is a popular open-source NoSQL (non-relational) database management system. NoSQL means no structure like it is look like an object while in SQL it is a structure query language like SELECT CustomerName, City FROM Customers; (The SELECT statement is used to select data from a database.) But NoSQL database is useless...NOT completely because of whenever we want add extra column in database then it is possible through NoSQL MongoDB.   


    MongoDB installation - CLICK HERE

    MongoDB Basic Command - CLICK HERE

    About MongoDB vs SQL - CLICK HERE

    CRUD in MongoDB - CLICK HERE



    Object Like - 



      "_id": {
        "$oid": "659ad46e0382148123c82841"
      "name": "moto G60",
      "brand": "motorola",
      "price": 16500,
      "category": "mobile"



    MongoDB is a type of database that helps store and manage large amounts of data in a flexible and scalable way. Unlike SQL, MongoDB doesn't require a fixed structure for the data, allowing you to store information in a more versatile format.

    • MongoDB is a NoSQL database.
    • The data stored in a collection
    • Collection don't have row and columns
    • Data is stored in the form of object.

     Read Data from MongoDB


    if you remember, we wrote the code for database connection and data reading in the same file. if you write coding of insert, update, delete in same function and same file then it will be very complex. so that's why we will separate file of mongoDB connection file.


    Now we will create the deleteData() function with condition of delete the data.



    const dbConnect = require('./mongodb/mongodb')
    const deleteData = async () => {
        // console.log("deleteData function is called")
        let data = await dbConnect();
        let result = await data.deleteOne({
             name: 'moto G60'




    Delete data from mongodb in nodejs


     with this condition if result.acknowledged is true then print console data.

    const dbConnect = require('./mongodb/mongodb')
    const deleteData = async () => {
        // console.log("deleteData function is called")
        let data = await dbConnect();
        let result = await data.deleteOne({
             name: 'moto G60'
            console.log("records deleted") 




    All tutorials are for informational and educational purposes only and have been made using our own routers, servers, websites and other vulnerable free resources. we do not contain any illegal activity. We believe that ethical hacking, information security and cyber security should be familiar subjects to anyone using digital information and computers. Hacking Truth is against misuse of the information and we strongly suggest against it. Please regard the word hacking as ethical hacking or penetration testing every time this word is used. We do not promote, encourage, support or excite any illegal activity or hacking.




  • Insert data from mongodb in nodejs


    Insert data from mongodb in nodejs



    Post API insert data in MongoDB

    This blog and in upcoming blog we will see mongodb basic and how is it work with installation and after installation we should not face any problem while making Database, collection(table) and using the data in nodejs even whenever we will make API. Read data from mongodb in nodejs

    • # Make New File for Insert data
    • # Import MongoDB connection
    • # Insert single and multiple records



     What is MongoDB


    MongoDB is a popular open-source NoSQL (non-relational) database management system. NoSQL means no structure like it is look like an object while in SQL it is a structure query language like SELECT CustomerName, City FROM Customers; (The SELECT statement is used to select data from a database.) But NoSQL database is useless...NOT completely because of whenever we want add extra column in database then it is possible through NoSQL MongoDB.   


    MongoDB installation - CLICK HERE

    MongoDB Basic Command - CLICK HERE

    About MongoDB vs SQL - CLICK HERE

    CRUD in MongoDB - CLICK HERE



    Object Like - 



      "_id": {
        "$oid": "659ad46e0382148123c82841"
      "name": "moto G60",
      "brand": "motorola",
      "price": 16500,
      "category": "mobile"



    MongoDB is a type of database that helps store and manage large amounts of data in a flexible and scalable way. Unlike SQL, MongoDB doesn't require a fixed structure for the data, allowing you to store information in a more versatile format.

    • MongoDB is a NoSQL database.
    • The data stored in a collection
    • Collection don't have row and columns
    • Data is stored in the form of object.

    Before jump into inserting data so check read data from mongodb and connection blog.

    Connection nodejs with mongodb - CLICK HERE

    Read Data from mongodb - CLICK HERE

     Insert Data from MongoDB


    We will write code of insert data in separate file so first make a new file for inserting data




    const dbConnect = require('./mongodb/mongodb')
    const insert = () => {
        console.log("Insert Function")



    Insert data from mongodb in nodejs



    Run with nodemon insert.js


    Whole Code 



    const dbConnect = require("./mongodb/mongodb");
    const insert = async () => {
      const db = await dbConnect();
      const result = await db.insertOne({
        name: "note 5",
        brand: "vivo",
        price: 2500,
        category: "mobile",
      console.log("data inserted");



    if you want insert too much data in one command you can use insertMany() function.




    // const dbConnect = require("./mongodb/mongodb");
    // const insert = async () => {
    //   const db = await dbConnect();
    //   const result = await db.insertOne({
    //     name: "note 5",
    //     brand: "vivo",
    //     price: 2500,
    //     category: "mobile",
    //   });
    //   console.log("data inserted");
    //   console.log(result);
    // };
    // insert();
    const dbConnect = require("./mongodb/mongodb");
    const insert = async () => {
      const db = await dbConnect();
      const result = await db.insertMany([
          name: "note 5",
          brand: "vivo",
          price: 2500,
          category: "mobile",
          name: "micro",
          brand: "micromax",
          price: 4500,
          category: "mobile",
      console.log("data inserted");


    Insert data from mongodb in nodejs



    output - data inserted, acknowledged : true, insertCount: 2



    Insert data from mongodb in nodejs



    All tutorials are for informational and educational purposes only and have been made using our own routers, servers, websites and other vulnerable free resources. we do not contain any illegal activity. We believe that ethical hacking, information security and cyber security should be familiar subjects to anyone using digital information and computers. Hacking Truth is against misuse of the information and we strongly suggest against it. Please regard the word hacking as ethical hacking or penetration testing every time this word is used. We do not promote, encourage, support or excite any illegal activity or hacking.




  • Read data from mongodb in nodejs


    Read data from mongodb in nodejs




    Post API insert data in MongoDB

    This blog and in upcoming blog we will see mongodb basic and how is it work with installation and after installation we should not face any problem while making Database, collection(table) and using the data in nodejs even whenever we will make API. Read data from mongodb in nodejs

    • # Read Data from MongoDB
    • # Make file for db connection
    • # Handle Promise 


    Now in this blog we will consider about mongoDB basic command which we can use to create Database, collection etc.


     What is MongoDB


    MongoDB is a popular open-source NoSQL (non-relational) database management system. NoSQL means no structure like it is look like an object while in SQL it is a structure query language like SELECT CustomerName, City FROM Customers; (The SELECT statement is used to select data from a database.) But NoSQL database is useless...NOT completely because of whenever we want add extra column in database then it is possible through NoSQL MongoDB.   


    MongoDB installation - CLICK HERE

    MongoDB Basic Command - CLICK HERE

    About MongoDB vs SQL - CLICK HERE

    CRUD in MongoDB - CLICK HERE



    Object Like - 



      "_id": {
        "$oid": "659ad46e0382148123c82841"
      "name": "moto G60",
      "brand": "motorola",
      "price": 16500,
      "category": "mobile"



    MongoDB is a type of database that helps store and manage large amounts of data in a flexible and scalable way. Unlike SQL, MongoDB doesn't require a fixed structure for the data, allowing you to store information in a more versatile format.

    • MongoDB is a NoSQL database.
    • The data stored in a collection
    • Collection don't have row and columns
    • Data is stored in the form of object.

     Read Data from MongoDB


    if you remember, we wrote the code for database connection and data reading in the same file. if you write coding of insert, update, delete in same function and same file then it will be very complex. so that's why we will separate file of mongoDB connection file.


    First you need to create folder for mongoDB connection and inside this folder we will create mongodb.js file.




    Read data from mongodb in nodejs



    Now we will write code in index.js for importing mongodb client and some code.

    1. Importing MongoDB and Setting Up Connection:

    const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb');
    const url = 'mongodb://';

    Here, you are importing the MongoClient class from the 'mongodb' package, which is the official MongoDB driver for Node.js. You define the connection URL for your MongoDB server. In this case, it's mongodb://, which is the default address and port for a locally running MongoDB server.

    2. Defining Database and Creating a MongoClient:

    const databaseName = 'e-comm';
    const client = new MongoClient(url);

    You specify the name of the database you want to connect to (e-comm), and then you create a new instance of the MongoClient using the provided connection URL.

    3. Asynchronous Function to Retrieve Data:

    async function dbConnect() {
      let result = await client.connect();
      let db = result.db(databaseName);
      return db.collection("products")

    # This function, getData, is marked as async, indicating that it contains asynchronous operations.

    # await client.connect();: It connects to the MongoDB server asynchronously and returns a result. This result is an instance of the MongoClient connected to the MongoDB server.

    # let db = result.db(databaseName);: It retrieves the specified database (e-comm in this case) from the connected MongoClient.

    # let collection = db.collection('products');: It gets a reference to the 'products' collection within the 'e-comm' database.

    4. exports the dbConnect:

    module.exports = dbConnect;

    The module concludes by exporting the dbConnect. When executed, it will connect to the MongoDB server, retrieve data from the 'products' collection, and log the result to the console.


    Whole Code (/mongodb/mongodb)



    const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb');
    const uri = 'mongodb://';
    const client = new MongoClient(uri);
    const dbName = 'e-comm';
    async function dbConnect()
        //handle promises
        let result = await client.connect();
        db = result.db(dbName);  
        return db.collection("products")
    module.exports = dbConnect;



    Now we will write the code in index.js file for read the data from mongodb.

    const dbConnect = require('./mongodb/mongodb')
    const main = async () => {
      let data = await dbConnect();
      data = await data.find({}).toArray();



    Here we first import by const dbConnect with require('./mongodb/mongodb') and promises handle with async and await.

    If you want more information about async and await - CLICK HERE



    Read data from mongodb in nodejs



    All tutorials are for informational and educational purposes only and have been made using our own routers, servers, websites and other vulnerable free resources. we do not contain any illegal activity. We believe that ethical hacking, information security and cyber security should be familiar subjects to anyone using digital information and computers. Hacking Truth is against misuse of the information and we strongly suggest against it. Please regard the word hacking as ethical hacking or penetration testing every time this word is used. We do not promote, encourage, support or excite any illegal activity or hacking.

  • Connect nodejs with mongodb


    Connect node with mongodb



    Mongodb basic command

    This blog and in upcoming blog we will see mongodb basic and how is it work with installation and after installation we should not face any problem while making Database, collection(table) and using the data in nodejs even whenever we will make API.

    • # Install MongoDB Package
    • # Connect MongoDB with Nodejs
    • # Show data from mongoDB


    Now in this blog we will consider about mongoDB basic command which we can use to create Database, collection etc.


     What is MongoDB


    MongoDB is a popular open-source NoSQL (non-relational) database management system. NoSQL means no structure like it is look like an object while in SQL it is a structure query language like SELECT CustomerName, City FROM Customers; (The SELECT statement is used to select data from a database.) But NoSQL database is useless...NOT completely because of whenever we want add extra column in database then it is possible through NoSQL MongoDB.   


    MongoDB installation - CLICK HERE

    MongoDB Basic Command - CLICK HERE

    About MongoDB vs SQL - CLICK HERE

    CRUD in MongoDB - CLICK HERE



    Object Like - 



      "_id": {
        "$oid": "659ad46e0382148123c82841"
      "name": "moto G60",
      "brand": "motorola",
      "price": 16500,
      "category": "mobile"



    MongoDB is a type of database that helps store and manage large amounts of data in a flexible and scalable way. Unlike SQL, MongoDB doesn't require a fixed structure for the data, allowing you to store information in a more versatile format.

    • MongoDB is a NoSQL database.
    • The data stored in a collection
    • Collection don't have row and columns
    • Data is stored in the form of object.

    Now you can understand how can we connect nodejs with the mongodb and how can we use nodejs with the help of mongodb and data insert, update, delete, update dynamic data or make API

     and we have some data in mongodb so after connecting mongodb with the nodejs we can show data from mongodb in nodejs.

    Connect node with mongodb

    we can install this driver as a pkg but it is driver YEAH! because of we can connect nodejs and mongodb with the help of this driver pkg OKAY.

    The official MongoDB driver for Node.js. - https://www.npmjs.com/package/mongodb ( npm i mongodb )



     Connect node with mongodb



    Connect MongoDB with Nodejs


     Now we will write code in index.js for importing mongodb client and some code.

    1. Importing MongoDB and Setting Up Connection:

    const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb');
    const url = 'mongodb://';

    Here, you are importing the MongoClient class from the 'mongodb' package, which is the official MongoDB driver for Node.js. You define the connection URL for your MongoDB server. In this case, it's mongodb://, which is the default address and port for a locally running MongoDB server.

    2. Defining Database and Creating a MongoClient:

    const database = 'e-comm';
    const client = new MongoClient(url);

    You specify the name of the database you want to connect to (e-comm), and then you create a new instance of the MongoClient using the provided connection URL.

    3. Asynchronous Function to Retrieve Data:

    async function getData() {
      let result = await client.connect();
      let db = result.db(database);
      let collection = db.collection('products');
      let response = await collection.find({}).toArray();

    # This function, getData, is marked as async, indicating that it contains asynchronous operations.

    # await client.connect();: It connects to the MongoDB server asynchronously and returns a result. This result is an instance of the MongoClient connected to the MongoDB server.

    # let db = result.db(database);: It retrieves the specified database (e-comm in this case) from the connected MongoClient.

    # let collection = db.collection('products');: It gets a reference to the 'products' collection within the 'e-comm' database.

    # let response = await collection.find({}).toArray();: It performs a query to find all documents in the 'products' collection and converts the result to an array.

    # console.log(response);: Finally, it logs the array of documents (or an empty array if there are no documents) to the console.

    4. Calling the getData Function:


    The script concludes by calling the getData function. When executed, it will connect to the MongoDB server, retrieve data from the 'products' collection, and log the result to the console.

    Whole Code 


    const {MongoClient} = require('mongodb');
    const url = 'mongodb://'
    const database = 'e-comm'
    const client = new MongoClient(url);
    async function getData()
      let result = await client.connect();
      let db = result.db(database);
      let collection = db.collection('products');
      let response = await collection.find({}).toArray();



    Run through this command - nodemon index.js or node index.js


    Connect node with mongodb





    All tutorials are for informational and educational purposes only and have been made using our own routers, servers, websites and other vulnerable free resources. we do not contain any illegal activity. We believe that ethical hacking, information security and cyber security should be familiar subjects to anyone using digital information and computers. Hacking Truth is against misuse of the information and we strongly suggest against it. Please regard the word hacking as ethical hacking or penetration testing every time this word is used. We do not promote, encourage, support or excite any illegal activity or hacking.


  • CRUD operation through Mongosh terminal in mongodb



    CRUD operation through Mongosh terminal in mongodb



    Mongodb basic command

    This blog and in upcoming blog we will see mongodb basic and how is it work with installation and after installation we should not face any problem while making Database, collection(table) and using the data in nodejs even whenever we will make API.

    • # How to insert Data collection
    • # How to check inserted Data
    • # How to update Data
    • # How to delete Data


    Now in this blog we will consider about mongoDB basic command which we can use to create Database, collection etc.


     What is MongoDB


    MongoDB is a popular open-source NoSQL (non-relational) database management system. NoSQL means no structure like it is look like an object while in SQL it is a structure query language like SELECT CustomerName, City FROM Customers; (The SELECT statement is used to select data from a database.) But NoSQL database is useless...NOT completely because of whenever we want add extra column in database then it is possible through NoSQL MongoDB.   


    MongoDB installation - CLICK HERE

    MongoDB Basic Command - CLICK HERE

    About MongoDB vs SQL - CLICK HERE



    How to insert Data collection


     First we will open MongoDB compass tool actually mongodb compass tool is a only tool, it is used for only provid graphical user interface with CLI. Like how to insert, update, delete etc.

    CRUD operation through Mongosh terminal in mongodb

    Even you can use mongodb in GUI or CLI mode but moslty beginner will using GUI (mongodb compass tool). So, we will start from mongodb start and stop command in command prompt windows.

    net start MongoDB 

    net stop MongoDB


    After starting mongoDB  server and you can use this URL mongodb://localhost:27017 for connecting nodejs.we will make Database and collection Name.

    CRUD operation through Mongosh terminal in mongodb

    Successfully created but there is no any data yet becuase of we have just created the Database and its collection.

    You can insert the data via when click on ADD DATA menu and choose option "insert document" and through mongosh CLI mode. But we will go to CLI mode okay!

    • # For choosing DB - use database Name - (replace database name with text)
    • # For insert One Data - db.student.insertOne({name: "atul", class: "one", rollno: 5})


    CRUD operation through Mongosh terminal in mongodb

    For refresh this data in mongoDB (click on refresh button)

    CRUD operation through Mongosh terminal in mongodb


    With GUI you can insert the data like this

    CRUD operation through Mongosh terminal in mongodb


    You can view the data with three types.

    CRUD operation through Mongosh terminal in mongodb

    You can also view the data via Mongosh CLI

    • # Check data - db.student.find()
    • # vcheck data with particular (_id) - db.student.find({_id : ObjectId("65a784b27d0ea65b469356c6")});

    CRUD operation through Mongosh terminal in mongodb

    How to update Data


    we will update the data whenever we want to change the data OKAY! but we will explore through mongosh CLI because you easily update with GUI.

    • # For update data with particular _id - db.student.updateOne({_id: ObjectId("65a784b27d0ea65b469356c6")}, {$set: {name: "kumar atul jaiswal"}})

    Here, first parameter (_id) is a condition like through which do you want to update the data and second parameter is {$set) that's mean what do you want to update like name, class, whatever name has defined in your mongoDB collection's data. Even if you want update the data through name you can. okay!


    CRUD operation through Mongosh terminal in mongodb

    How to delete Data

    Through this delete , it might be coming to your mind to delete any data. Hahah Lol! actually you're right.

    Let's do it with CLI mode but you can easily go through GUI mode. 

    • # Delete data via name - db.student.deleteOne({name: "atul"})

    NOTE - keep in mind that this is completely case sensitive, so whenever you enter any parameter or value, write it carefully.


    All tutorials are for informational and educational purposes only and have been made using our own routers, servers, websites and other vulnerable free resources. we do not contain any illegal activity. We believe that ethical hacking, information security and cyber security should be familiar subjects to anyone using digital information and computers. Hacking Truth is against misuse of the information and we strongly suggest against it. Please regard the word hacking as ethical hacking or penetration testing every time this word is used. We do not promote, encourage, support or excite any illegal activity or hacking.

  • mongodb basic command



    mongodb basic command



    Mongodb basic command

    This blog and in upcoming blog we will see mongodb basic and how is it work with installation and after installation we should not face any problem while making Database, collection(table) and using the data in nodejs even whenever we will make API.

    • # What is MongoDB
    • # MongoDB vs SQL
    • # MongoDB basic commands


    Now in this blog we will consider about mongoDB basic command which we can use to create Database, collection etc.


     What is MongoDB


    MongoDB is a popular open-source NoSQL (non-relational) database management system. NoSQL means no structure like it is look like an object while in SQL it is a structure query language like SELECT CustomerName, City FROM Customers; (The SELECT statement is used to select data from a database.) But NoSQL database is useless...NOT completely because of whenever we want add extra column in database then it is possible through NoSQL MongoDB.  

    Object Like - 



      "_id": {
        "$oid": "659ad46e0382148123c82841"
      "name": "moto G60",
      "brand": "motorola",
      "price": 16500,
      "category": "mobile"



    Set Enviornment and Install MongoDB - CLICK HERE


    MongoDB is a type of database that helps store and manage large amounts of data in a flexible and scalable way. Unlike SQL, MongoDB doesn't require a fixed structure for the data, allowing you to store information in a more versatile format.

    • MongoDB is a NoSQL database.
    • The data stored in a collection
    • Collection don't have row and columns
    • Data is stored in the form of object.


    MongoDB vs SQL


    In SQL - 

    • It is a structured form.
    • There is a row and column form.
    • When we want add extra column after creating table then we face some problem.
    • When an inbox is optional where any user may or not fill in that box, memory may be wasted in that database.



    mongodb basic command



    In MongoDB - 

    • It is an unstructured form.
    • There is a collection form.
    • When we want add extra column and rows we can do it easily because it is in object form.
    • Here any user can fill the data as per his choice less or more.



    mongodb basic command




    MongoDB basic commands


    You can use mongodb in GUI or CLI mode but moslty beginner will using GUI (mongodb compass tool). So, we will start from mongodb start and stop command in command prompt windows.

    net start MongoDB 

    net stop MongoDB


    mongodb basic command

    After starting mongoDB  server and you can use this URL mongodb://localhost:27017 for connecting nodejs.

    In GUI Mode

    Open MongoDB compass tool and simple click on connect or save or connect button.

    mongodb basic command


    And copy the accessing URL.



    mongodb basic command

    Now click on icon and create a database name and collection name.

    mongodb basic command


    Finally we have to start create database name, collection, read, update, delete through command line interface in mongoose terminal.

    Simple click on mongoose button on MongoDB compass tool.

    mongodb basic command

    1. show dbs   (database check)
    2. use youtube  (create db)
    3. db.createCollection('videos')  (create table)
    4. show collections       (check table)
    5. db.videos.drop()  (to delete table)
    6. db.dropDatabase()      (to delete database)
    7. use admin (another db)

    mongodb basic command

    Still database not created because we have not created the table yet, even the name of database is not being shown.If you have used SQL  then you would know that it also does not show a database. Unless you create a table in it.

    mongodb basic command

    For creating table you can use db.createCollection('videos') 



    mongodb basic command


     Just like that you can create collection, show collection, drop the collection and database etc.


    mongodb basic command


     Insert Data


    You can insert data in mongodb by CLI mode through this command db.products.insertOne({name: 'moto G60', brand: 'motorola', price: 1800, category: 'mobile'})



    mongodb basic command


     db.products.insertOne({name: 'moto G60', brand: 'motorola', category: 'mobile', price: {actualAmount: 20000, discount: 2000}})



    mongodb basic command


    mongodb basic command


    db.products.updateOne({name: "moto G60"}, {$set: {brand: "oppo"}})

    mongodb basic command


    db.products.deleteOne({brand: "moto G60"})

    mongodb basic command


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