
  • CRUD operation through Mongosh terminal in mongodb



    CRUD operation through Mongosh terminal in mongodb



    Mongodb basic command

    This blog and in upcoming blog we will see mongodb basic and how is it work with installation and after installation we should not face any problem while making Database, collection(table) and using the data in nodejs even whenever we will make API.

    • # How to insert Data collection
    • # How to check inserted Data
    • # How to update Data
    • # How to delete Data


    Now in this blog we will consider about mongoDB basic command which we can use to create Database, collection etc.


     What is MongoDB


    MongoDB is a popular open-source NoSQL (non-relational) database management system. NoSQL means no structure like it is look like an object while in SQL it is a structure query language like SELECT CustomerName, City FROM Customers; (The SELECT statement is used to select data from a database.) But NoSQL database is useless...NOT completely because of whenever we want add extra column in database then it is possible through NoSQL MongoDB.   


    MongoDB installation - CLICK HERE

    MongoDB Basic Command - CLICK HERE

    About MongoDB vs SQL - CLICK HERE



    How to insert Data collection


     First we will open MongoDB compass tool actually mongodb compass tool is a only tool, it is used for only provid graphical user interface with CLI. Like how to insert, update, delete etc.

    CRUD operation through Mongosh terminal in mongodb

    Even you can use mongodb in GUI or CLI mode but moslty beginner will using GUI (mongodb compass tool). So, we will start from mongodb start and stop command in command prompt windows.

    net start MongoDB 

    net stop MongoDB


    After starting mongoDB  server and you can use this URL mongodb://localhost:27017 for connecting nodejs.we will make Database and collection Name.

    CRUD operation through Mongosh terminal in mongodb

    Successfully created but there is no any data yet becuase of we have just created the Database and its collection.

    You can insert the data via when click on ADD DATA menu and choose option "insert document" and through mongosh CLI mode. But we will go to CLI mode okay!

    • # For choosing DB - use database Name - (replace database name with text)
    • # For insert One Data - db.student.insertOne({name: "atul", class: "one", rollno: 5})


    CRUD operation through Mongosh terminal in mongodb

    For refresh this data in mongoDB (click on refresh button)

    CRUD operation through Mongosh terminal in mongodb


    With GUI you can insert the data like this

    CRUD operation through Mongosh terminal in mongodb


    You can view the data with three types.

    CRUD operation through Mongosh terminal in mongodb

    You can also view the data via Mongosh CLI

    • # Check data - db.student.find()
    • # vcheck data with particular (_id) - db.student.find({_id : ObjectId("65a784b27d0ea65b469356c6")});

    CRUD operation through Mongosh terminal in mongodb

    How to update Data


    we will update the data whenever we want to change the data OKAY! but we will explore through mongosh CLI because you easily update with GUI.

    • # For update data with particular _id - db.student.updateOne({_id: ObjectId("65a784b27d0ea65b469356c6")}, {$set: {name: "kumar atul jaiswal"}})

    Here, first parameter (_id) is a condition like through which do you want to update the data and second parameter is {$set) that's mean what do you want to update like name, class, whatever name has defined in your mongoDB collection's data. Even if you want update the data through name you can. okay!


    CRUD operation through Mongosh terminal in mongodb

    How to delete Data

    Through this delete , it might be coming to your mind to delete any data. Hahah Lol! actually you're right.

    Let's do it with CLI mode but you can easily go through GUI mode. 

    • # Delete data via name - db.student.deleteOne({name: "atul"})

    NOTE - keep in mind that this is completely case sensitive, so whenever you enter any parameter or value, write it carefully.


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