
  • OS module in Nodejs


    OS module in Nodejs




    upload the file from nodejs

    This blog we have seen mongodb basic and how is it work with installation and after installation, we have already seen mongodb basic, CRUD operation, connect mongodb with nodejs, read, update, delete, POST, GET API etc. we should not face any problem while making Database, collection(table) and using the data in nodejs even whenever we will make API. Read data from mongodb in nodejs

    • # What is OS module
    • # Important functions of OS module


    What is OS Module ?


    In Node.js, the 'os' (operating system) module provides a set of methods to interact with the operating system. It allows you to access information about the system's resources, network interfaces, and other related details. Here are some commonly used functionalities provided by the OS module.



    const os = require("os");


    Returns a string identifying the operating system CPU architecture (e.g., 'x64').


    OS module in Nodejs



    const os = require("os");


    Returns the amount of free system memory in bytes. 


    OS module in Nodejs




    const os = require("os");


    Returns the total amount of system memory in bytes.



    OS module in Nodejs



    const os = require("os");


    Returns the host name of the operating system.


    OS module in Nodejs



    const os = require("os");



    Returns a string identifying the operating system platform (e.g., 'darwin', 'win32', 'linux').



    OS module in Nodejs



    const os = require("os");



    OS module in Nodejs




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