
  • Crack password with Hashcat




    Hashcat is a password cracker used to crack password hashes. A hash is a one-way function that takes a word or string of words and turns them into a fixed length of random characters. This is a much more secure method of storing passwords rather than storing them in plain text. It is not reversible.

    Hashcat attempts to crack these passwords by guessing a password, hashing it, and then comparing the resulting hash to the one it’s trying to crack.

    Hash Analyzer Tunnelsup.com Hash Analyser allows you to stick a hash into there site and will give you there best guess at what the hash is. This was all i used for the Crack the hash challenge and was pretty much spot on until some of the later tasks.

    Hash-Identifier can be found pre-installed in Kali Linux and will tell you the possible hashing algorithm for the hash you enter. The Nice thing about this other then it already being installed in kali is that it gives you a few alternatives which can help finding finding the right mode in hashcat.

    HashID This is a python based hash identifying tool which needs to be downloaded from there GitHub Repo. The cool thing about this tool is not only does it identify the hashes but also can give you the corresponding hashcat mode as part of the output.



    hashcat -h | grep sha256
    hashcat -h | grep md5
    hashcat -h | grep salt
    hashcat -h | grep sha
    hashcat --help


    In this lab, we will create a set of hashes and then use a dictionary to crack these hashes. The first step is to create the hashes. Open a terminal and use the following command to create a new txt document filled with some hashes: 


    echo "dc647eb65e6711e155375218212b3964
    b5af0b804ff7238bce48adef1e0c213f" > target-hashes.txt



    These hashes comprise 7 different password which we will attempt to crack.


    The next step is to choose the wordlist we will use for cracking the hashes. We will be using the “rockyou.txt” file. Type the following to locate the file:

    locate rockyou.txt


    Navigate back to the home directory by typing cd. We are now ready to begin the attack.

    We will use the following command to crack the password hashes:

    hashcat -m 0 -a 0 -o cracked.txt target-hashes.txt /home/hackerboy/Dcouments/rockyou.txt

    Let’s break down each of these options.

    # The -m 0 option tells hashcat that we are attempting to crack MD5 hash types
    # The -a 0 option tells hashcat we are using a dictionary attack
    # The -o cracked.txt option is creating the output file for the cracked passwords
    # The target_hashes.txt is the file containing the hashes
    # The /home/hackerboy/Dcouments/rockyou.txt is the wordlist we will use for this dictionary attack




    If you want to more cracking hashes, follow below the article on TryHackMe Cracking Hashes.


    Click Here 






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